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Reimagine a downtown Fort Myers not just as it is,
but as it could bea place that echoes your voice and
vision for today. This is not just a dream; it’s a possibility,
and it starts with you.    

Why Your Participation is Pivotal:
Your Voice, Your Vision: Shape Downtown Fort Myers’ Future    

Join us at the Listening Session:  

When: January 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM  

Where: Collaboratory  


1. Shape Your Community: This is your chance to influence the future of downtown Fort Myers.
Your ideas and opinions are crucial in crafting a space that benefits everyone.

2. Learn and Contribute: Understand the nuts and bolts of urban redevelopment and
see how your input fits into the larger picture.

3. Meet and Collaborate: Engage with fellow residents, business owners, and city planners.
This is networking with a purpose – building a community, together.

4. Be Part of the Change: Witness the power of collective action. Your involvement today will lay
the groundwork for tomorrow’s transformations.

5. Empower Your Vision: Here, every suggestion is valuable. Bring your vision to the table and be
a part of turning it into a reality.  

RSVP Today  

Downtown Redevelopment Plan Update Video      


It’s a strategic blueprint The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Plan
is a blueprint for enhancing the quality of life in downtown Fort Myers. It
guides decisions on infrastructure, housing, cultural spaces, and economic
development – everything that makes our city vibrant and livable. And it’s time
for an update, one that reflects our current needs and aspirations.  

Click to review the 2018 Downtown plan            

Here’s where things gets interesting. When you visit the plan update website, you’re
granted $8 million in CRA Bucks. This isn’t just play money – it’s a chance for
you to take the lead. Allocate your funds to the projects you believe will make the
most significant impact. Your choices will paint a picture of the collective priorities
and dreams for our downtown area.

    Have you used your CRA Bucks?    

Start allocating your $8M in CRA Bucks, now!

Jan 30  

Listening Session: Downtown Redevelopment Plan Update
Why Your Participation Matters:
Shape the Future: Your input will directly influence the development projects and
enhancements in our beloved downtown.

Community Impact: By allocating CRA Bucks, you help prioritize what matters
most to our residents and businesses.

Transparency in Action: Experience firsthand how redevelopment decisions are
made and funds are distributed.

Educational Opportunity: Learn about the complexities and challenges of urban
planning in a fun and engaging way.

Leave Your Mark: This is more than a plan; it’s a legacy for future generations
that starts with you.  

1400 Jackson Street, Fort Myers, FL 33901
[email protected]

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