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South Florida District Office 
Click here to find workshops and events going on today DIVAS IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY  –  July 18   9:30 am
Help clients to understand the “industry”
Identify profitability
Determine how to get a “slice of the pie”
Develop & manage successful businesses
July 18 Divas in the Trucking Industry (

Marketing 101   –  July 18    10 am
Take this class to uncover the characteristics that make up your business’ DNA. After answering the two most important questions in all of marketing, you’ll be ready to skillfully implement customer-winning strategies and face the competition.
Marketing 101 | U.S. Small Business Administration (

Disaster Resiliency: It’s Your Business  –  July 18    1 pm
Business interruptions and disasters affect every business at some stage in their growth. Whether it is a hurricane, power outage, or road construction, adversity can strike at any time. There are key steps you can take today to reduce downtime and keep operations running if you are impacted.
Attend this training to learn more about disaster preparedness tips and local resources available to you to get better prepared.
Topics include:
•How to turn business continuity into a competitive advantage
•Learn about free disaster planning tools and resources
•Review of key disaster recovery programs
Disaster Resiliency: It’s Your Business (

Earned Media & Your Business   –  July 18  6 pm
Are you a business owner looking to enhance your brand’s reach and reputation? Join our webinar, where you’ll discover powerful strategies to leverage media coverage for your business’s growth.
This session will delve into the world of earned media and equip you with essential knowledge and practical tips to harness its potential. The webinar will specifically touch on:
* Benefits of Earned Media Coverage
* Key Types of Media
* Dispelling Misconceptions
* Steps to Pursue Media Coverage
Earned Media & Your Business | SCORE

ORIENTATION TO FUNDING   –   July 19   11:30 am
This Workshop is Mandatory for business owners who need
to move their idea or business to the next level 
Info will be provided on types of funding and their use, documents required to apply for funding, incl. Business Plan Template, 5 page PowerPoint Presentation and Next Steps to Move Forward 
July 19 Orientation to Funding (

SBA Disaster Loan / EIDL Loan Workshop   –  July 19   12 noon
SBA EIDL Workshop, hosted by SBA South Florida District Office, July 19th – 12:00noon- 1pm.  Discussion topics include SBA disaster loan program overview highlighting recent and current EIDL Florida disaster declarations (Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, and Broward County Flooding).  Additional discussion topics include, EIDL eligibility, EIDL application process and forms including 4506-C, common mistakes to avoid,  how to request reconsideration for declined applications, and more. 
SBA Disaster Loan / EIDL Loan Workshop Tickets, Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite

10 Excellent Excel Functions   –  July 19   12 noon
Did you know that Excel has over 450 functions to automate your spreadsheets? We will be showing you how to use ten (or more!) of the most popular and powerful examples.
10 Excellent Excel Functions | SCORE

Leverage Your Business by Writing a Book   –  July 19    6 pm
Did you know that writing a book can be a tool in your toolkit for promoting your business? Having a book published is a “novel” way to elevate your credibility as an expert in your line of business. This workshop provides you some key tips to get you started, and also provides some excellent publishing references to make publishing a reality. Learn from Liane Sangollo, Strategic Executive Coach & Applied Neuroscience Practitioner: Why writing a book can help you grow your business When is this strategy good for your business What to focus on when writing a book. Leverage Your Business by Writing a Book | SCORE

ChatGPT 101: Leveraging the Latest Craze to Level-Up Your Business  –  July 22   10 am
Understand the basics of ChatGPT.

Show Me The Money: Financing Your Business   –  July 20    10 am
Are you looking for money for your business? Are you considering a SBA loan? This seminar will help you zero in on the right funding choices for your business and avoid money scams. Our financing veteran will educate you on how to ask for a loan, get prepared for the bank and where to find money in a tight-fisted economy.
You’ll explore:
• SBA loans: when, where and how to apply
• How to plan your financing request to banks
• Which banks are making loan
• Angel investors and venture capitalists
• Six Cs of credit and how credit scores affect your business
• The fundamentals of royalties, licensing and supplier credit
• Busting the myths about small business grants
Registration (

What Your Lenders Need to Know  –  July 20   1 pm
Bankers like numbers as they tell the story of your business. Learn how to navigate through the preparation of what you need to bring to your banker’s meeting. Learn more about financing your start-up or existing business through standard lending and SBA products.
This webinar will provide a detailed presentation about the lending process and what your lenders need to know about you as a client.
What Your Lenders Need to Know (

Add Videos to Enhance Website Engagement-  July 20   7 pm
Make your website more appealing by adding

Como influenciar en las decisiones de compra de sus clients   –  July 22    9:30 am
¿Sabía que el 95% de las decisiones de compra de los consumidores son inconscientes? ¿Sabía que tiene solo 0,4 segundos para captar la atención de sus clientes?
Conectar con la mente de su consumidor es la mejor manera de guiar las decisiones de compra. No basta con tener un excelente producto, es necesario estructurar una estrategia basada en las emociones para que entre las miles de opciones que existen en el mercado, los consumidores elijan y se fidelicen con su marca.
Como influenciar en las decisiones de compra de sus clientes | SCORE

Comenzando su negocio   –  July 24   1 pm
Una gran pequeña empresa siempre comienza como una idea, pero eventualmente esa idea debe convertirse en realidad. La mayoría de las empresas nunca comienzan porque las personas tienden a pensar demasiado y a sentirse abrumadas con el proceso.
Iniciar un negocio es más fácil de lo que cree. Asista a este seminario para aprender los pasos básicos y convertir su idea en realidad.
Comenzando su negocio (

Motivación del Logro   –  July 24    6 pm
Si las personas reconocen la Motivación del Logro en su vida diaria, ellos pueden practicarla conscientemente, aprender a aplicarla más eficazmente en situaciones empresariales. El concepto básico de la Motivación al Logro ha sido exitosamente aplicado en más de cuarenta (40) países que representan diversas circunstancias culturales y económicas.
Informes de experiencias indican el mérito de este seminario en mejorar el porcentaje de éxito de los Socios de Aprendizaje graduados, señalado igualmente por nuevas Fundaciones de Empresas y expansión de negocios existentes.
Su objetivo es que los Socios de Aprendizaje comprendan la importancia de entender las Características del Comportamiento Emprendedor a saber: Búsqueda de Oportunidades, Correr Riesgos, Exigir Eficiencia y Calidad, Ser Persistente, Ser Fiel a los Compromisos Contraídos, Fijar Metas, Conseguir Información, Planificar y hacer Seguimiento Sistemáticamente, Ser persuasivo y crear redes de Apoyo y Tener Autoconfianza.
Motivación del Logro | SCORE

Marketing 101: Obtener y Retener Clientes   –  July 25   10 am
Esta presentación interactiva es para todos los empresarios que desean aprender sobre la comercialización de su negocio para llegar a una base de clientes más amplia.
Las pequeñas empresas deben poder aplicar los conceptos fundamentales de marketing que respaldan el inicio y la gestión de un negocio.
Con eso en mente, esta presentación lo ayudará a:
-Definir el marketing y su importancia en el desarrollo empresarial.
-Describir el proceso de investigación del mercado objetivo.
-Identificar los componentes de un plan de marketing efectivo.
-Describir estrategias de marketing de alto impacto que fomenten el éxito empresarial.
-Describir conceptos clave para medir el rendimiento de las estrategias de marketing, para incluir campañas en redes sociales.
Marketing 101: Obtener y Retener Clientes (

Federal Government Contracting 101   –  July 25   10 am
Ready…set…sell to the federal government! This workshop provides information on registering with the federal government, how to locate federal opportunities, who to market to within the federal government, and so much more!
Speaker: Karen Krymski, MPH, CVE
This Procurement Technical Assistance Center is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense.
Registration (

Building Brand Success   –  July 25   6 pm
Create a positive online brand so potential customers find your business.
Learn the process to evaluate your online presence, create a positive image and manage the challenges negative reviews create. Learn how to maximize your Google, BBB and Yelp profiles.
Building Brand Success | SCORE

Review Your Options, Maybe Start Your Own Business?   –  July 25   6 pm
During times like these, people often contemplate getting better control of their lives by starting their own business. You can achieve financial independence by owning your own business. Spend some time with us to look under the covers at what running your own business entails.
Review Your Options, Maybe Start Your Own Business? | SCORE

Building Sales Confidence   –   July 26    10 am
Are you tired of being intimidated to sell? Have you struggled to close the sale?
Closing the sale can be one of the hardest skills to learn in the sales process. This webinar will provide tips for business owners to build confidence in selling their products and services. Register today to learn how to develop your own winning closing strategy and improve sales for your business.
Participants will learn:
• Effective ways to close the sale
• How to overcome rejection
• Different types of closing strategies
Building Sales Confidence (

SBA 8(a) Federal Contracting Eligibility & Certification Workshop  –  July 26    11 am
Learn how SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program helps small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the marketplace. This class focuses on the benefits of this program. It also covers the eligibility requirements necessary to participate.
·       The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
·       There are substantial benefits of partaking in the program, such as the consideration and preference for government procurement.
·       The 8(a) Program is an essential instrument for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society. The program helps thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs to gain a foothold in government contracting.
Overview ⋮ SBA Federal Contracting Certification 8(a) ⋮ Blackthorn ⋮ Events

Access to Capital   –  July 26   12 noon
Learn about ways to prepare yourself before you seek funds for your business and also some of the options you may wish to consider.  Getting the funds to start and grow a business is a challenge for many entrepreneurs and small business owners. Our “Access to Capital” webinar will discuss strategies that small businesses and entrepreneurs should take in preparation for seeking capital and potential options available based upon their stage of their business.
Access to Capital | SCORE

Understanding Your Customers   –  July 26   1 pm
Your customers are individuals with different emotions and personalities that affect their buying decisions. Clearly identifying who your customers are is the most effective way to focus your marketing effort and increase sales.
Participants will understand the key components:
– Identifying the questions to ask about buying behavior
– Identifying different sources of data about your customers
– Describing how to use data collected to create a description of your customer
– Describing the kinds of changes you might make to your business as a result of your research
Understanding Your Customers (

White Label 101, Start your own brand from home   –  July 26  6 pm
Learn the essentials to successfully start your e-commerce business or grow your existing services by buying from a 3rd party manufacturer and make it your brand.
Attendees will hear about: What is a White label How does it work How to identify the right product Recognizing components Researching providers Getting ready to launch White Label 101, Start your own brand from home | SCORE

Women, Minority & Veteran Certification   –  July 27   10 am
It’s no myth…women, minority and veteran certification could present opportunities for your business. But there is a process to becoming certified. In this class, you will learn how to complete the State of Florida certification application and discover how you can use it to seek business with the private sector and government.
Registration (

Starting your Business   –  July 27   10 am
You’ve got the idea. Now you need to know how to get on your way. From how to determine feasibility and legal structures, to the types of licenses you’ll need, this class covers all the essentials that help you get started.
Starting your Business | U.S. Small Business Administration (

What Keeps You Up at Night?   July 27   12 noon
Business owners worry about many things. In this Webinar we will discuss strategies to identify and prioritize risks as they change over time as your business evolves. This Webinar will be presented by Derek Jones, Pasco Hernando SCORE Resource Partner.
What Keeps You Up At Night ? | SCORE

Lo que sus prestamistas necesitan saber   –  July 27    1 pm
A los banqueros les gustan los números, ya que cuentan la historia de su negocio. Aprenda cómo navegar a través de la preparación de lo que necesita llevar a su reunión bancaria. Si desea obtener más información sobre cómo financiar su empresa nueva o existente a través de préstamos estándar y productos de la SBA.
Este seminario web proporcionará una presentación detallada sobre el proceso de préstamo y lo que sus prestamistas necesitan saber sobre usted como cliente.
Estos consejos básicos de ciberseguridad para su pequeña empresa, le permitirán crear sistemas y políticas robustos para proteger los datos de su empresa y sus clientes.
Lo que sus prestamistas necesitan saber (

Cómo aprovechar el poder del Marketing Digital de forma sencilla y efectiva  –  July 29   9:30 am
Con el crecimiento de las redes sociales, la innovación digital ya no es un lujo, ni siquiera una opción. La necesidad de mejorar la comercialización de su marca o negocio en el entorno acelerado de hoy es inevitable.
CONSEJOS PARA SU MARCA: Cómo diseñar su “brand” o su marca en línea de forma memorable y con personalidad, el secreto para conectarse con sus clientes a través del “Valor”, la mejor manera de identificar y encontrar a su cliente ideal en línea, elementos esenciales de automatización social para optimizar su tiempo.
HERRAMIENTAS DE MARKETING SOCIAL: La clave para entender un Plan de Redes Sociales, la fórmula para hacer que su negocio sea más inteligente/amigable con la tecnología, cómo dominar sus mensajes en línea con esta sencilla técnica, pasos sencillos para integrar sus canales de redes sociales.
Cómo aprovechar el poder del Marketing Digital de forma sencilla y efectiva | SCORE

Linkedln for Business Networking – How to Use LinkedIn & Is it for You   –  July 29   10:30 am
This workshop will demonstrate how to use LinkedIn and will help familiarize individuals with the basic components of the online networking platform. This workshop will also include how to create a company LinkedIn page for small business owners.
Linkedln for Business Networking-How to Use LinkedIn & Is it for You (Virtual)) | SCORE

Florida SBDC Network Small Business Success Summit  –  August 2 – 3
The Florida SBDC Network is excited to host the Small Business Success Summit, August 2-3, 2023 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The purpose of this annual event is to provide small businesses with resources needed to reach new limits and to encourage success and growth. The summit will feature keynote speakers, 20+ breakout sessions and networking opportunities that will allow small businesses to walk away with strategies and connections to help further their business.
2023 Small Business Success Summit – Florida SBDC

Small Business Faith Forum 2023 August 8  10 am
Collaborate to build community Receive information on SBA programs for small business Be inspired and encouraged about the future from faith leaders Hear from entrepreneurs about their business journey experience Small Business Faith Forum 2023 Tickets, Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

More Events and Workshops

Find events | U.S. Small Business Administration (

Miami-Dade Business Navigators

Florida Women’s Business Center Workshops

Tampa Bay Women’s Business Center Workshops

weVENTURE Women’s Business Center Workshops

Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU – Miami

Florida Small Business Development Center at UCF – Orlando

Florida Small Business Development Center at IRSC – Port St. Lucie

Florida Small Business Development Center at USF – Tampa

Broward SCORE Workshops

Manasota SCORE Workshops

Miami-Dade SCORE Workshops

Palm Beach SCORE Workshops

Space Coast SCORE Workshops

Southwest SCORE – Ft. Myers Workshops

Treasure Coast SCORE Workshops  
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