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Hundreds of courses. Knowledgeable instructors.  Have it your way, online or in-person.        
July 2023   FGCU Academy Summer Heat Wave – Be Safe  
Greetings, I hope everyone has been taking care to protect themselves from any and all heat
related injuries. This has been a very hot summer. With heat indexes of 100 – 115 degrees,
Forecasters and The National Weather Service recommend you stay inside during the “heat of the day”.
“It is imperative people take action to limit their exposure to the oppressive hot weather as it looks to
stick around for the time being.” With the “dog days of summer” around the corner in August –
there is no break in sight from this heat.  

FGCU Academy has a plethora of courses to keep you busy and out of that heat. Coming in August
we will be hosting:
-Advanced and Beginner Supervised Mah Jongg Play (This is a new class at FGCU Academy)
-Writers Collaborative Workshop Series
-Balance University Series
-Sunday Foreign Film Movie / Discussion Series
-Many individual 90 minute lectures (too many to mention here – check the daily program guide
listed below)  

So give us a call to get registered and/or to ask any questions you may have. No question is too small.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.  

Everyone is invited and welcome to take classes at ANY of our locations. Make sure to register early
as space can be limited.  

For assistance with registration – call our office (239) 434-4737, and we will be more than happy to assist you.


View July Daily Calendar  

View August Daily Calendar  

Register Online      

We are available to assist with registration – 239.434.4737  


iPhone/iPad Apps: Camera
@ The Commons Club at The Brooks July 18 | 10 – 11:30 am  
iPhones/iPads have multiple cameras for taking still photographs, wide angle, portraits, panoramas
as well as regular, time-lapse and slo-mo videos. Change your focus and exposure, take live photos,
mirrored selfies, macro and nighttime photographs. We also learn how to transfer photos from your
digital camera to your iPhone/iPad and much more.

Acupressure for Anyone® – Chest Release
@ Online via Zoom July 18 | 10 – 11 am  
Participants may register for the entire series or for any of the individual classes. Acupressure for
Anyone® (A4A) puts the extraordinary healing gifts of acupressure into the hands of ordinary
people. Based on the wisdom teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, you
will learn a gentle finger pressure technique to connect with meridian points on the body. 
Acupressure formulas are taught for common health issues such as headache, insomnia, colds
and flu, digestion, etc. as well as powerful balancing formulas for managing stress and calming
the mind and spirit. A handout is provided for the acupressure protocol for home practice as well
as a link of a recorded guided version of the practice to watch on demand for 30 days. Bring water
and either a rolled up towel or 2 tennis or stress balls to class. Class will be taught seated in a chair. 
Acupressure is found to be a relaxing, gentle self care practice and is not a substitute for professional
medical care. Please consult you doctor if you are not sure if acupressure is right for you.  

Applications: Chest Colds, Heartburn, Shortness of Breath, Dry Skin

Five Eyes: Global Espionage, Eavesdropping and the Collection of Communications Intelligence
@ Commons Club at The Brooks July 18 | 10 – 11:30 am  
Since World War II, the U.S. and U.K. have had an alliance to jointly collect and share communications
intelligence. That agreement has expanded to include other types of intelligence. It also grew to include
Australia, Canada and New Zealand and became called Five Eyes. It is the most effective intelligence
alliance in history. Join us for a fascinating introduction into the world of signals intelligence and global
eavesdropping. Topics include: history, types of intelligence, agencies involved, third parties, Nine Eyes,
14 Eyes, Atlantic Charter, VENONA, Soviet Spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, ECHELON, Pine Gap,
NSA Hawaii, Edward Snowden, leaks, cyberwarfare, intelligence partnerships, Israel, emerging issues
and 5G.

Computer and Internet Security for Desktops, Laptops, Phone and Tablets
@ The Arlington July 18 | 2:30 – 4:00 pm  
Every day across the country, millions of people fall victim to viruses, spyware, malware, keystroke loggers,
ransomware, phishing schemes and hacking. Join this lecture-style presentation to better understand all these
threats and how to best protect yourself against them. Defend yourself and your computing devices while
protecting your identity and keeping your personal information safe. This lecture is appropriate for all
Windows, Android and Apple users and is one of the most important technology lectures you can take.

Overcoming Grief and Loss
@ The Commons Club at The Brooks July 20 | 10 – 11:30 am  
Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to change or loss of any kind – death, health changes,
relationship changes and on and on… Grief is also the result of unmet hopes, dreams and expectations
and the loss of intangible concepts such as safety, trust, security, respect, faith… and hope. Grief is universal.
All of us will experience grief and losses. But we are not well prepared to really handle, manage or recover
from the emotional impact which result from these changes and losses. Given the proper emotional tools,
we can achieve recovery from our grief and live content and fulfilled lives.  


See a sample of what is coming over the next week
click on any title below for more information    
Monday July 17
Paul Revere: Patriot, Courier, Entrepreneur  

Wednesday July 19
Introduction to Microsoft Windows 11  

Thursday July 20
Jordan – A Biblical Land in A Modern World
The Russian Revolution
The Best of the Best Smartphone and Tablet Apps All Users Should Know – Part 2  

Friday July 21
William “Wild Bill” Donovan  

Monday July 24
The War of the Worlds Broadcast, 1938
Lincoln’s America: Development of the Transcontinental Railroad
The Germans Are Coming! A German King Takes the English Throne  

Tuesday July 25
iPhone/iPad Apps: Apple Mail
A Different Look at Florida  

Wednesday July 26
iPhone/iPad: Tips, Tricks & Secrets All Users Should Know in iOS 16  

Summer Movie Series
International Film and Documentary Discussion Series (4 films)  
Sundays at Naples Center – 2:00 pm

Phoenix – July 16 (Germany, 2014, History/Drama, 98 minutes, Rated PG13) TODAY!  

Baby Teeth – August 20 (Australia, 2019, Comedy/Drama, 118 minutes, Rated MA-17)

Retrograde – September 17 (2022, Documentary, 94 minutes, Rated R)  

Bring FGCU Academy to Your Community    
If you would like to have FGCU Academy provide programs at your community, click below and
send us an email with your information: who the contact person is, their email and phone number
along with name of your community. We will be happy to reach out and discuss the possibilities
with them.  

Schedule a Private Education Session for Your Community!    

Travel The World With FGCU Academy
Travel is not reward for working, it’s education for living  

View our Pre-Recorded Travel Open House Presentation Now

LEGENDARY TURKEYView Full Itinerary/Travel Brochure
September 1 – 15, 2023 | 15 days
Exotic sights, scents, and sounds reign in this fascinating land where Europe and Asia meet.
From Istanbul, magnificent “Empress of the World,” to ancient ruins, stunning landscapes,
and the dramatic – and legendary – Turquoise Coast, Turkey engages and beguiles, offering
us an unparalleled small group experience.

ACROSS SPAIN & PORTUGALView Full Itinerary/Travel Brochure
September 10 – 26, 2023 | 17 days
Fortified cities and tiny fishing villages, rugged Atlantic coastline and commanding Pyrenees
peaks, iconic shrines to both religion and fine art, and intimate lodgings in historic paradores
and pousadas – it all awaits on this singular small group journey from Lisbon across the north
of Spain, ending in vibrant Barcelona.

SICILY IN DEPTHView Full Itinerary/Travel Brochure
September 28 – October 9, 2023 | 12 days
Crossroads of the Mediterranean … the “toe” in Italy’s boot … “God’s Kitchen” … Sicily is all
this, and much more, as we see on our stellar small group journey around this Italian island. It’s
lively cities and ancient ruins, temples of man – and of nature, hospitable people and delectable
cuisine … a feast for all the senses.      
FGCU Academy Travel 2024 

Call for More Info – 239-434-4838 

Travel Brochures will be available Summer 2023

Moroccan Discovery, May 12-27, 2024    
This land of dramatic contrasts invites us to encounter its ancient ruins and sacred mosques,
endless desert and storied mountains, imposing kasbahs and spirited souks. As we travel
from the imperial cities of Rabat, Fez, and Marrakech to the High Atlas and vast Sahara,
we open our eyes, and hearts, to a truly foreign land, an age-old culture, and genuinely
hospitable people.

Classic Safari: Kenya & Tanzania, August 13-28, 2024   
“On safari” … it’s one of the most alluring phrases in all of travel. And Kenya and Tanzania
count among the most alluring places to be “on safari.” As our small group travels from
grasslands to highlands, to reserves and national parks, we enjoy intimate game drives, see
stupendous landscapes, stay in excellent accommodations, and meet gracious local people.

Exploring Iceland, August 15-25, 2024     It’s a surprising, even astonishing land; one of
massive glaciers and rumbling volcanoes, bubbling mud holes and powerful waterfalls;
hugely abundant bird life and just 340,000 people; and where the sun never sets for six
splendid weeks. It’s also perfect for exploring in a small group, as we discover traveling
the breadth of the country and getting an up-close view of this natural “wonderland.”

Southern Italy & Sicily, September 4-18, 2024    
Delight in a special exploration of Italy’s southern climes, from striking Sicily and the
breathtaking Amalfi Coast to unheralded Apulia, the alluring “boot heel” where a vivid
history, unique architecture, and bountiful plains join the sun and sea in creating a prized
(and crowd-free) region. Add Italian hospitality, outstanding cuisine, and notable lodgings
for la dolce vita, small-group style. 

Scotland: Highlands & Islands, September 9-20, 2024    
“My heart’s in the Highlands,” said Robert Burns – as will you, as we travel from city to
country, mainland to island, on this sweet journey. From loch to loch and glen to glen,
we encounter stunning natural beauty and welcoming clans, while city life serves up the
colorful past – and cosmopolitan present.

Provincial French Countryside, September 27-October 11, 2024   
Experience the beauty, allure, and hospi­tality of provincial France, at an easy pace and in
a unique style. Anchored by stays in vibrant Toulouse and enchanting Paris, the journey ­
features diverse Languedoc, the remote Dordogne, the lovely Loire Valley, and historic
Normandy as we stay in charming rural inns and small country hotels. It’s a small group
tour de force!

New Zealand Adventure, October 10-25, 2024    
It’s a tale of two islands as our small group journeys from New Zealand’s North to its South,
through lively cities and pristine fiords, past lush farmland and enchanted forests in a land
where the outdoors is the national shrine. Add engaging “Kiwis” and intriguing indigenous
cultures – it’s a pure New Zealand experience. 

Southeast Asia Odysseys, October 31-November 18, 2024   
Engaging, diverse, intriguing … This just begins to describe Southeast Asia and our small
group odyssey. We cruise the Mekong through Laos; explore the spectacular – Angkor Wat –
and the sublime – Ha Long Bay; and engage with local farmers and hill tribespeople on this
comprehensive, well-paced adventure    


FGCU Academy Needs Your Support Today to Ensure that Our Critical Mission
of Senior Education and Enrichment Continues!  

FGCU Academy is ready to serve the SWFL community for the 2023 Season—Learning,
Growing, Sharing, Socializing. I am excited to welcome you this year to the new FGCU Naples
Center, which is located at 704 Goodlette Frank Rd N, Suite 330 in Naples. Also, we have two
new locations in Lee County, Pelican Landing in Bonita Springs and the FGCU Kleist Center
on main campus. As always, both locations are open to all our students.  

Our passion keeps us moving forward and your donations will do the same. Please take a few
minutes to consider donating to ensure our continued success. All amounts make a difference
in strengthening the work we do in the community.  

Your gift will allow the Academy to offer more than 1,500 diverse and fascinating programs at
more than fifteen locations throughout SWFL. Please visit our website to review the rich and
varied programmatic offerings that are available this year. Through our mission we promise to
enrich the lives, minds and social well-being of more than 10,000 SWFL adults and seniors
during our 2023 season.  

Donate online at  

I am grateful for your consideration to support this vital community outreach program this year.  

I look forward to seeing you at a FGCU Academy program soon.

Please contact me directly at [email protected] or 239-434-4838 with questions or to learn more.  

In gratitude, John J. Guerra Director of FGCU Academy              

FGCU Academy Collier / Lee / Charlotte

704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N Suite 330
Naples, FL 34102  

239-434-4737   [email protected]
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Exciting Announcement: Series of Concerts by Gulf Coast Symphony at Music & Arts Community Center!