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June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month


Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month is an opportunity to join the global conversation
about the brain, Alzheimer’s disease, and other dementias. Everyone is at risk of develop-
ing Alzheimer’s, a fatal disease that cannot be prevented, cured, or even slowed. During
the month of June, the Alzheimer’s Association asks people around the world to “go purple”
and fight Alzheimer’s disease.  

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Community Partner Happenings

Youth Homelessness
Health and Wellbeing 

The Shareet Cares Project’s mission is to prevent
youth and young adults ages 6 – 21 from becoming
or remaining homeless. 

Driven by youth voices and community stakeholders.

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Healthy Lee Lifestyle Coalition Meeting
Health and Wellness 
Please join us for the next Healthy Lee Life-
style Coalition Meeting, where we have two
guest speakers and will receive an update on
programs and initiatives developed based on
the triennial Community Needs Health Assess-
ment (CHNA) survey’s findings.

June 6, 2024
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

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Normal Is Overrated
Behavioral Health
This year’s program, focused on open and
supportive conversations about mental health,
will include inspiring stories from local students
with first-hand experience.
June 8, 2024
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

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Experiencing Homelessness and In
Need of Permanent Housing?

Health and Wellness

Coordinated Entry System (CES) ensures that all
people experiencing a housing crisis have access
to limited community resources. Offered through
Lee County Department of Human & Veteran Ser-

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2023 Community Health Needs Assessment Presentation
Health and Wellness

We invite you to a pivotal event as we continue our collaborative efforts
to improve the health and well-being of our community. Join us for the
2023 Community Health Needs Assessment Presentation of Findings
from esteemed community experts. 

June 20, 2024
8:30-11:30 am
Location: Collaboratory

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NEW Dementia Driving Crossroads Course
Behavioral Health

Are you caring for someone with dementia who is still driving?  The
Dubin Center is offering a 1.5-hour evidence-based course designed
to help families of those living with dementia decide when and how
their loved one should limit or stop driving. Classes monthly begin-
ning on June 13, 2024.

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Life Skills Series Behavioral Health Pathways to Opportunities presents
Life Skills Series courses that are designed for adults with developmental
or intellectual disabilities who want to gain independence and experience
new opportunities.

July 22 – July 26
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. daily

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Healthy Life Center Classes  

View and RSVP for Classes    

Important Information

Increased coverage access for DACA
recipients, allowing them to enroll in a
Qualified Health Plan or Basic Health

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Disaster Preparedness
Sales Tax Holiday.
June 1-14, 2024,
August 24-September 6, 2024.

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When handling fireworks, safety should always come first.
It’s crucial to read and understand all packaging instructions

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Highlights from Healthy Lee


National Senior Health & Fitness Day!

Health and Wellness May

29th was an exceptional experience for the residents of Lee County, with Healthy
Lee promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles for Seniors hosted by the
Fort Myers Department of Parks and Recreation’s Sam Fleishman Regional Sports
Complex. Many educational vendors were present, and blood pressure and Body
Mass Index (BMI) screenings were available. Fifteen people were screened for
Blood Pressure by the American Heart Association, Ten had balance screenings
offered by Stabilized Steps, and nine participated in BMI screenings offered by
the Healthy Life Center. Yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi were demonstrated, along
with many vendors offering information on stroke, heart disease, dementia, music
therapy, behavioral health, and much more. 

Missy Beck attended and said she was very impressed by the event’s organization
and the resources available in our community. She said she never knew there was
so much offered for seniors, such as the Area Agency on Aging and the Neighbor-
hood Network. Not to mention United Way 211, which refers people to local social
resources, and the ReUnite Program, which helps locate those with cognitive
challenges if they wander.  

Many community partners, such as the Department of Health, Harry Chapin Food Bank, 
and Lee Health, were on hand to provide our seniors with a fun day filled with activities
focused on health and well-being. 


The Healthy Lee movement was created to empower and inspire visitors and the people
of SWFL to live a life of optimal health and well-being by making healthy lifestyle choices
through education and action. This newsletter gives you access to our valuable resources
and news. Please feel free to submit your organization’s events to
under the Events tab. If you require assistance, please email [email protected]

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4211 Metro Parkway Suite 300
Fort Myers, FL 33916

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