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The Southwest Florida Community Foundation is now, officially, Collaboratory.
And now, officially, up to something insanely daring.
Welcome to the greatest community problem-solving initiative in American history. Yes, we’ve changed our name from the Southwest Florida Community Foundation to Collaboratory. But we’re up to something much bigger than a name change. We’re actually putting our name on the line for the change we seek to achieve. It’s audacious.
We are committed to bringing Southwest Florida together to solve all of our major social problems on an eighteen-year deadline. You read that correctly. All of them. In eighteen years. Not alone, but with everyone. All ages, neighborhoods, beliefs, colors and imaginations. And we’re committed to building the infrastructure required to coordinate all of this at the scale and in the way NASA coordinated hundreds of thousands of people to get us to the moon in nine years. It will be the greatest community problem-solving initiative in American history.
Visit the new website. Learn all about it. Get a shiver up your spine.
Vist now
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© SWFL Comm Foundation, 2031 Jackson Street, Suite 100, Fort Myers, Florida 33901

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