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Grow Your Business and Increase Sales Through Exporting   –  June 12   6 pm
Nearly 95% of the world’s population lives outside the United States, which means additional sales growth is likely from exporting.
Advantages: Exporting is a business that can be started by anyone with a good idea and product. Limitless market (the main advantage of exporting). Foreign markets can offer higher prices and better margins Government benefits for exporters. Payments received faster than in the local market. Grow Your Business and Increase Sales Through Exporting | SCORE

Thrive in the Recession through the Power of No-Bid Federal Contracts   –  June 13  12 noon
My promise – at the end of the SCORE no-bid federal contracting seminar, you’ll be able to make an informed, intelligent decision IF you can grow in this recession through the power of no-bid federal contracts.
In this workshop you will learn how to: Capture $300,000 in no-bid federal contracts within 9 months… then ALL the contracts you can handle! Get paid within 30 days or receive big penalties! Find the Top 40 industries that the federal government buys the most! Avoid revenue, people and / or years in business qualification requirements! Avoid the bidding process with its low margins and win fixed-price no-bid contracts! Find the federal people (for free) that can buy what you sell! And much, much more!
Thrive in the Recession through the Power of No-Bid Federal Contracts | SCORE

Magical Mystery Tour of Marketing Your Business   –  June 13   10 am
You know why your business rocks. Does anyone else? Take this class to uncover the characteristics that make up your business’ DNA. Soon, you’ll be able to boost consumer loyalty and company profits. After answering the two most important questions in all of marketing, you’ll be ready to skillfully implement customer-winning strategies and face the competition.
Registration (

ORIENTATION TO FUNDING  –  June 14    11:30 am
This Workshop is Mandatory for business owners who need
to move their idea or business to the next level 
Info will be provided on types of funding and their use, documents required to apply for funding, incl. Business Plan Template, 5 page PowerPoint Presentation and Next Steps to Move Forward.
June 14 Orientation to Funding (

Better Business with Boomers   –  June 14  12 noon
By the year 2030, the Baby Boomer generation will control more than 70 percent of the disposable income in the United States. How does that affect your business today and in the near future? What should you be doing now to prepare for the ‘Silver Tsunami’?
In this course, business owners and entrepreneurs will learn how they can better attract, serve and retain their older clientele. Whether you’re in the service industry or sell a product, this is important information for your business to remain successful!
Better Business with Boomers Series: Part 2 | SCORE

Marketing 101: Obter e Reter Clientes (Portuguese)   –   June 14   12 noon
Este webinar interativo é direcionado para todos os empreendedores que desejam aprender mais sobre marketing para alcançarem uma base mais ampla de clientes. Pequenas empresas devem ser capazes de aplicar os conceitos básicos de marketing que ajudam no início e no gerenciamento de um negócio. Com isso, este webinar irá ajudá-lo a:
Definir o marketing e sua importância no desenvolvimento do negócio.
Descrever o processo de pesquisa de mercado.
Identificar os componentes de um plano de marketing eficaz.
Descrever estratégias de impacto em marketing que promovem o sucesso dos negócios.
Descrever os principais conceitos para medir o desempenho das estratégias de marketing, incluindo campanhas de mídia social.
Marketing 101: Obter e Reter Clientes (Portuguese) (

Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps  –  June 14    12 noon
Learn about Google’s free tool for local businesses who want to connect with local customers on Google Search and Maps.
Attend this webinar live to get your questions answered.
In this session you’ll learn how to: Create, claim, or update your Profile on Google in time for the busy holiday season Manage your business info across Google Search and Maps Use this tool to connect with potential customers Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps | SCORE

Miami-Dade County Public Schools OEO Presents Money Moves  –  June 15   10 am
Need working capital for your business?
Find out about grants and low interest loans to expand your business. You don’t want to miss this Networking and Financial Resource Event!
Miami-Dade County Public Schools OEO Presents Money Moves Tickets, Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

Make Your Website Copy Look Amazing  –  June 15   –  12 noon
Have you written the copy for your website? Are you now ready to paste it on your website? Wait! In this working session, we show you how to lay out your website copy so it is skimmable, gorgeous, and inviting. We will show you how to use your copy differently so that search engines and visitors to your website easily understand your message!
What you will learn: How to lay out your website pages How to break up your content How to use headlines and icons How to use white space effectively How to design a beautiful page, even if you are not a designer Make Your Website Copy Look Amazing | SCORE

Optimizing E Commerce : Understanding the social media Marketplace   –  June 15   1 pm
An introduction to Ecommerce on Facebook and Instagram.
Newly formed shopping habits are becoming an increasingly integral and permanent part of people’s lives, signalling a new era for online retail, even post-pandemic.
Of the variety of content formats available on social platforms, brands can curate their offerings on specific channels to best use their features for boosting engagement, visibility, and sales.
Whether it’s launching a business or growing an established brand, social marketplaces may seem daunting at first but can rapidly become a profitable channel for your business.
Optimizing E Commerce : Understanding the social media Marketplace (

What You Need to Know to Start a Business   –    June 15   6 pm
You’ve got the idea. Now you need to know how to get on your way. From how to determine feasibility and legal structures to the types of licenses you’ll need, this class covers all the essentials that will help you get started. 
Registration (

Pasos Sencillos – Comercialización de su negocio   –  June 17  9:30 am
El taller, ‘Pasos Sencillos’, organizado por Hispanic Unity y SCORE Broward, le ayudará a preparar un plan de negocios para convertir su sueño en realidad.
Comenzar su propio negocio es una decisión difícil. Usted no tiene que hacerlo solo.
Esta es una serie de talleres dividido en 5 partes que le guiará a través de los fundamentos de la creación de empresas. Si usted está dispuesto a trabajar seriamente con los instructores, comprenderá de mejor manera los retos y oportunidades con que se enfrentará. Usted obtendrá un plan y estimación financiera y un plan de marketing, ambos necesarios para este emprendimiento.
A medida que avanza a través de los talleres un tutor le será asignado, quien le ayudará con el proceso paso a paso.
Pasos Sencillos – Comercialización de su negocio | SCORE

Non-Profit Marketing  –  June 19   6 pm
In this webinar dedicated to philanthropy and nonprofit marketing, we’ll explore how branding, storytelling, and communications helps shape your brand mission and brand perception, and how it can help fuel your fundraising efforts.
You’ll learn: What elements to consider when developing storytelling at three levels: Organizational, Identity, and Experiential. How to communicate through values vs. figures. How to define your Brand Narrative, Mission/Vision, and Elevator Pitch. The stories your nonprofit needs to be telling. Storytelling techniques and strategies that will improve your fundraising efforts. Non-Profit Marketing Storytelling – The Latest Techniques | SCORE

DIVAS IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY  –  June 20   9:30 am Help clients to understand the “industry” Identify profitability Determine how to get a “slice of the pie” Develop & manage successful businesses June 20 Divas In The Trucking Industry (

SBA Lenders Panel: Small Business Financing  –  June 20   10 am
If you are a small business owner or aspiring entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level, this is a great opportunity for you to discover funding opportunities and meet local lenders at the SBDC at Eastern Florida State College’s Lenders’ Panel.  Connect with a diverse group of lenders for your startup costs, expansion or working capital needs.
Experienced lenders will share their expertise on funding options, loan evaluation criteria, common challenges, and required documents.  Attendees will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with lenders after the panel discussion.  The panel will be moderated by SBDC consultant, Maggie Incandela.
SBA Lender’s Panel: Small Business Financing (

Hubzone Contracting Certification   –  June 20   11 am
The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. The Hubzone Certification program is a means of “setting aside” Federal Contracts for firms that can be certified by the Small Business Administration. This class will review the criteria and eligibility for this program and the Small Business program. The Federal Government has a goal of setting aside 3% of the $450 billion in contracts every year for Hubzone contracts. An overview of the new rules introduced in 2020 to benefit Hubzone companies will also be covered.
Federal Contracting Certification: HUBZONE – The Centre

Pricing Strategies for Your Business   –  June 20   12   Noon
Presenter Robert Green, Business Strategy Advisor and CEO of Melbourne Business Advisors, will discuss what the function of price is, why pricing strategy is important to your business, the seven most common pricing mistakes in setting prices, and how to calculate prices using a formula that doesn’t cut into your expected margins, calculating the break-even, while touching on price elasticity and the concern that higher prices might impact customers.
Pricing Strategies for Your Business (

Sales on Demand: Grow Your Business Fast   –  June 20   6 pm
In this workshop from Alexander Nouveau (Nouveau Startups), you will learn how to grow your business by creating a sales on demand system:  How to win more sales to accelerate your business growth Learn the secrets on how to get bigger sales to rapidly increase your profits  Discover how to build a loyal customer base that buys often and refers their friends Uncover the methods to increase market share and expand into new markets Sales on Demand: Grow Your Business Fast | SCORE

ORIENTATION TO FUNDING  –  June 21    11:30 am
This Workshop is Mandatory for business owners who need
to move their idea or business to the next level 
Info will be provided on types of funding and their use, documents required to apply for funding, incl. Business Plan Template, 5 page PowerPoint Presentation and Next Steps to Move Forward.
June 21 Orientation to Funding (

How to Start an Online Business on a Budget   –  June 21   12 noon
Starting an online business has helped entrepreneurs avoid the enormous costs of opening a traditional brick-and-mortar business, but that doesn’t necessarily mean starting an online business is inexpensive. In this webinar, Steve Strauss, USA TODAY senior columnist, online business pioneer, and bestselling author, will teach you how to start an online business on a small budget.
You will learn the following: The various types of online businesses you can start How to build a shoestring budget How to build and publish your website How to Start an Online Business on a Budget | SCORE

O que você precisa saber para tornar sua Empresa financiável (Portuguese)  –  June 21  12 noon
**this webinar will be in Portuguese**
Este webinar vai prepará-lo para o relacionamento mais importante que você deve ter sendo dono de uma pequena empresa: seu banqueiro. Também será importante para você conhecer os princípios básicos e poder financiar e acessar recursos com sua empresa.
O que você precisa saber para tornar sua Empresa financiável (Portuguese) (

 Protecting Your Business from Fraud  –  June 21   1 pm
More than 70% of organizations were targets of payment fraud in 2021*. Of these, about 30% lost over $250,000. How can you protect your business from fraud?
Presented by First Citizens Bank, this webinar will discuss key points to
preventing fraud, including:
– Fraud response time
– Fraud types, including email and ransomware
– Red flags to look out for
– Monitoring your business credit score and protecting your credit
Protecting Your Business From Fraud | SCORE

Introduction to Google Analytics   –  June 21   6 pm
Learn how to set up and start to use Google Analytics to understand how people engage with your website. 
Learn how to:
●    Set goals for your website
●    Set up Google Analytics and connect it to your website
●    Understand what types of reports are available in Google Analytics
Led by Pamela Starr, a professional trainer for Grow with Google, this is a session perfect for people new to Google Analytics.
Introduction to Google Analytics | SCORE

2023 Transportation Infrastructure Contracting Summit   –  June 22   8:30 am
Join the U.S. Small Business Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation during this information and power packed event to find out how you can position your small business to participate in the $1.2 Trillion spend to build the Nation’s Infrastructure.
At this event you will have the opportunity to:
• Meet and network with transportation infrastructure decision makers
• Increase your chance of winning a government contract
• Enhance strategies for evaluating pursuits and learn when to say, “No”
• Discover and Access capital and credit programs to finance your business
The Agenda includes:
• Trade & industry-specific procurement briefings and matchmaking
• Contracting insights from successful small business owners
• Industry townhall and keynote address
• Federal contracting briefings
• Concurrent breakout sessions
Don’t miss out on your chance to connect with people, partners, and projects that can help you take your business to the next level!
U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure Contracting Summit-Tampa Tickets, Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 8:00 AM | Eventbrite

Cumbre de Negocios Hispanos  /  Hispanic Business Summit   –  June 22   9 am
¿Estás listo para lanzar y hacer crecer tu negocio?
Únete a nosotros para una mañana de networking y beneficiosas presentaciones.
¡Todo en español!
Los talleres incluyen: Iniciar un negocio desde el primer paso Conceptos básicos del plan de negocios Capital y préstamos Marketing en la era digital Mantener una mentalidad emprendedora Redes de negocios: aprender a aprovechar las relaciones Cumbre de Negocios Hispanos 2023 (

START, GET FUNDING, GROW & RUN A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS – Belle Glade  –  June 22   11:30 am
June-22 Start, Get Funding, Grow & Run a Successful Business (

Como Potenciar un Pequeno Negocio con Herramientas Digitales (SPANISH)  –  June 22   6 pm
Este es un taller práctico en el que aprenderemos como implementar y usar herramientas GRATIS que se encuentran en internet y que pueden apoyar nuestro negocio de una manera rápida y fácil de implementar. Algunas de estas tecnologías las usan actualmente grandes compañías, con altos costos de licenciamiento, sin embargo, actualmente existen opciones Freemium que pueden cumplir perfectamente con funciones básicas y que no generan un costo para los usuarios en las versiones básicas y los ponen al nivel de las grandes compañías.  
SPANISH – Como Potenciar un Pequeno Negocio con Herramientas Digitales | SCORE

Simple Steps for Starting a Business: Ready to Start?  –  June 22   6 pm
This is a 4 module workshop series that will take you through the basics of starting up a business. If you are willing to roll up your sleeves & work with the instructors, you’ll come away with a good understanding of the specific challenges & opportunities you will face. You will have a financial plan, a marketing plan, and an estimation of the funding you will need to get started.
Simple Steps for Starting a Business: Ready to Start? | SCORE

Pasos Sencillos – Obtendras las claves para desarrollar el plan financiero; La decisión final
–  June 24   9:30 am
El taller, ‘Pasos Sencillos’, organizado por Hispanic Unity y SCORE Broward, le ayudará a preparar un plan de negocios para convertir su sueño en realidad.
Comenzar su propio negocio es una decisión difícil. Usted no tiene que hacerlo solo.
Esta es una serie de talleres dividido en 5 partes que le guiará a través de los fundamentos de la creación de empresas. Si usted está dispuesto a trabajar seriamente con los instructores, comprenderá de mejor manera los retos y oportunidades con que se enfrentará. Usted obtendrá un plan y estimación financiera y un plan de marketing, ambos necesarios para este emprendimiento.
A medida que avanza a través de los talleres un tutor le será asignado, quien le ayudará con el proceso paso a paso.
Pasos Sencillos – Obtendras las claves para desarrollar el plan financiero; La decisión final | SCORE

Implicaciones Legales  –  June 24   9:30 am
Emprendedores muchas veces no tienen el tiempo necesario para conocer las implicaciones Legales y de Impuestos de sus negocios. Únase a nosotros en este taller interactivo que le proporcionará la información necesaria para formalizar su impresa.
Los propietarios de negocios, cuando establecen nuevas empresas (corporaciones), muchas veces no tienen el tiempo necesario para conocer las implicaciones Legales y de Impuestos de sus negocios.
Es importante conocer el sistema fiscal y tributario, porque este afecta economicamente el negocio, sea por ahorro en el pago de impuestos, como también por evitar pagar multas, intereses, etc., hasta posibles auditorías del IRS o del Estado de la Florida.
Implicaciones Legales | SCORE

More Events and Workshops

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Miami-Dade Business Navigators

Florida Women’s Business Center Workshops

Tampa Bay Women’s Business Center Workshops

weVENTURE Women’s Business Center Workshops

Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU – Miami

Florida Small Business Development Center at UCF – Orlando

Florida Small Business Development Center at IRSC – Port St. Lucie

Florida Small Business Development Center at USF – Tampa

Broward SCORE Workshops

Manasota SCORE Workshops

Miami-Dade SCORE Workshops

Palm Beach SCORE Workshops

Space Coast SCORE Workshops

Southwest SCORE – Ft. Myers Workshops

Treasure Coast SCORE Workshop
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LARC’s 5th Annual Aiming for Ability Clay Shooting Tournament Raises $25,000