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Sales Training for business owners. Build your Sales Skills!  –  September 19   1 pm
Would you like your business to bring in more revenue? Would you like to become more valuable as an employee?
This Sales Skills webinar is just the ticket. Learn to grow your revenue, increase your average sale, and “Close the sale”. Help customers choose your products and services.
You will learn these skills and more. This webinar is taught by a business professional with many years of coaching and sales experience. Most of the sales knowledge passed on in this webinar applies regardless of your products or services.
Sales Training for Business Owners – Build Your Sales Skills (

Show Me the Money: Financing Your Business   –  September 19    6 pm
Are you looking for money for your business? Are you considering a SBA loan? This seminar will help you zero in on the right funding choices for your business and avoid money scams. Our financing veteran will educate you on how to ask for a loan, get prepared for the bank and where to find money in a tight-fisted economy.
You’ll explore:
• SBA loans: when, where and how to apply
• How to plan your financing request to banks
• Which banks are making loan
• Angel investors and venture capitalists
• Six Cs of credit and how credit scores affect your business
• The fundamentals of royalties, licensing and supplier credit
• Busting the myths about small business grants
Registration (

Use AI to Promote Your Business Presence Online   –   September 20   12 Noon
You may have played around with ChatGPT or heard about using Artificial Intelligence in the workplace. This webinar will showcase techniques to: Harness the potential of AI Writing Assistants  Seamlessly integrate them into your workflow Use them to achieve greater productivity Use AI to Promote Your Business Presence Online | SCORE

Managing Your People Resources – Legally   –  September 20   6 pm
Understanding the employer responsibility in the ever-changing federal employment law landscape is difficult and time consuming. This workshop focuses on educating business owners regarding current employment laws and how they impact business practices. Discussing the Immigration Reform & Control Act (IRCA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and many other Federal Regulations, this session provides insight regarding what employers need to do to ensure their business is in compliance with these regulations and many more.
Managing Your People Resources – Legally | SCORE

Creating your very own Business Model Canvas (BMC)  –  September 20    6 pm
This Webinar is the first in a series of three training sessions and will cover the fundamentals of a BMC and how it can be used as a strategic tool to visually display a business model’s viability in a one-page template.
Participants will learn what is:
1. A Business Model Canvas
2. The 9 Elements of a Business Model Canvas and how they are defined.
3. The process to build a BMC
Creating your very own Business Model Canvas (BMC) (

SEO Strategies to Improve Your Google Rankings   –  September 21    10 am
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a major component of online marketing. This seminar will teach you how to develop an effective SEO strategy for your business.
More specifically, attendees will learn:
•    basic SEO terminology
•    how a website is indexed
•    how to conduct keyword research
•    on-page optimization strategies
•    developing quality content
Registration (

Overview of SBA Programs and Services   –  September 21   12 Noon
This workshop covers the programs and services offered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to help owners start and grow their small businesses. Although the SBA is usually associated with loans, this overview will go over the SBA Loan Programs, as well as the other programs and services including Counseling, Export Assistance, Government Contracting, Surety Bonds and Disaster Assistance.
Overview of SBA Programs and Services | SCORE

Digital Marketing 101   –  September 21   6 pm
During this presentation, we will be doing a high-level overview of the digital marketing space, opportunities for business owners, and highlighting upcoming trends in digital marketing on social media. With advancements in technology and changes in the digital marketing space happening every day, there are some amazing platforms and tools out there that can make any person or business a marketing expert. However, starting up can seem daunting without a good overview of the opportunity as a whole. Find out how you can take advantage of these digital marketing platforms to take your business to the next level and ultimately grow your bottom line.
Digital Marketing 101 | SCORE

Local Business SEO – Get More FREE Leads   –  September 23    9:30 am
Learn the SEO basics to get more leads. Join us to learn: What Is SEO Discuss On-Page SEO Provide Detailed On-Page Tips And Tricks Discuss Off-Page SEO Provide Tips And Tricks For Easy SERP JUICE Q&A’s Local SEO – Get More FREE Leads | SCORE

Your Business – From Vision to Reality   –  September 25   6 pm
Answer the 8 questions that are at the heart of any entrepreneurial business plan.
Whether you have a fully established business or are just formulating your ideas, one of your biggest challenges is making your vision a reality. 
In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to clarify for yourself (and your team) Who you are (and what kind of people do you want to surround yourself with) Why do you do what you do (what ignites your passion, purpose or cause) What do you do better than everyone else What are your long and short-term goals and how will you get there You will come out of the session with a clear and actionable plan and tools to keep you accountable for executing your strategy.
Your Business – From Vision to Reality | SCORE

Mesa Redonda para Emprendedores Hispanos  –  September 26   8:30 am
Descubre la fuerza de construir una red sólida y cómo los empresarios hispanos están logrando más que nunca.
SCORE, HEI y la Cámara de Comercio de Boca Ratón se asocian para brindar un espacio para que los empresarios locales se conecten, compartan desafíos y experiencias, y se apoyen mutuamente en su viaje empresarial.
El registro en persona está limitado a los primeros 30 inscritos. Zoom estará abierto para todos. 
Regístrese para asistir en línea:
Regístrese para asistir en persona:

DIVAS IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY   –   September 26   9:30 am Help clients to understand the “industry” Identify profitability Determine how to get a “slice of the pie” Develop & manage successful businesses sept 26 Divas in the Trucking Industry (

Miami Dade Business Navigator Community Connections Event  –  September 26   11 am
The Miami-Dade Business Navigator (MDBN) program is a group of community partners who connect with underserved local entrepreneurs in Miami-Dade County to launch, grow and revitalize their businesses.  As part of this program, the Community Connections Event will do just that – connect local small businesses with Federal officials, community resources, and key stakeholders to start and grow their businesses.  At the event, you will also hear from MDBN groups, partners, and successful businesses who have participated in the program.
Miami Dade Business Navigator Community Connections Event (

Small Business Matchmaker / Networking Event  –  September 27   9am
IN PERSON EVENT – This event is designed to help local businesses and entrepreneurs grow their dreams and find their perfect match at the Small Business Matchmaker.
Attendees will learn about grant opportunities, connect with experts in business planning and marketing, and meet with local lenders.
Organizations and lenders in attendance will include: City of Homestead, U.S. Small Business Development Center at FIU (SBDC), South State Bank, Score Homestead, Miami Dade College Homestead Campus, Miami Bayside Foundation, Credit 360, Civic Consulting, South Dade Chamber of Commerce, Homestead Main Street, Inc., Startup FIU, Partners For Self-Employment, South Dade Connections, Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc., and Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust (MDEAT)
Small Business Matchmaker Tickets, Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

Cyber Security 101 for Small Businesses   –  September 27    12 Noon
You had a great idea and now you’ve begun your journey to building a business. Could it all be washed away in a moment? Come learn the fundamental pieces of cyber security, including why disaster recovery is critical. Using free and inexpensive tools, learn how to begin protecting your dream with some basic best practices including password management, why you should use SSL on your website, and how to protect your business from hazards like ransomware and computer crashes.
Cyber Security 101 for Small Businesses | SCORE

Creating your own business Value Proposition Canvas (VPC)   –  September 27   6 pm
Will cover the fundamentals of a VPC and how it can be used as a strategic tool to visually display a business model’s solution to its market/customer problem in a one-page template.
Participants will learn what is:
1. The value Proposition Canvas and its benefits
2. The process by which they can produce a VPC for their business
3. The ways in which a VPC can be used and the best time to apply it
Creating your own business Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) (

Six Creative Ways to Use Automation   –  September 27    6 pm
Business automation is everywhere. It’s the “sorry I missed you” email from a salesperson who just left you a voicemail. The birthday coupon from a restaurant. The reminder from a retailer that you added a product to your shopping cart but never clicked “buy.” Across every industry, automation has become a key to success. But automation isn’t just reserved for big corporations. Small businesses, too, can incorporate automation in some very simple, effective, and creative ways.
In this session, you’ll learn how to: Increase email signups with dynamic forms Engage new subscribers with a simple two-part automated series Use click segmentation and automation to send more timely and relevant emails Join certified email marketing expert Ken Countess, a professional coach for business owners and entrepreneurs, to learn how to use automation effectively.
This is a presentation all small business owners should attend.
Six Creative Ways to Use Automation | SCORE

Women, Minority & Veteran Certification   –  September 28   10 am
It’s no myth…women, minority and veteran certification could present opportunities for your business. But there is a process to becoming certified. In this class, you will learn how to complete the State of Florida certification application and discover how you can use it to seek business with the private sector and government.
Registration (

Advisors For Your Biz – Talk to a Lawyer, Accountant, Banker & Business Consultant  –  September 28   12 pm
Learn more about how to build a strong team of business advisors to strengthen business financial and succession planning options. Join a Lawyer, Accountant, Banker & Business Consultant in this workshop. Who are the counselors and professionals you need on your team to manage the business successfully? This workshop includes a question and answer session with these professionals.
What are their roles and why are they so important. A major role of small business advisory services is to keep up with current business strategies, trends, methodologies, and technologies.
Advisors For Your Biz – Hear from an Attorney, Banker, and Accountant Tickets, Thu, Sep 28, 2023 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite

Getting Your Message Out: Easily Create Content and Repurpose It  –  September 28   12 Noon
Digital marketing and maintaining an online presence are time-consuming, and it can be overwhelming to create new content for your various channels. This presentation helps simplify content creation to help you effortlessly keep in touch with your valued customers.
You will learn: How to craft content that resonates with your audience  Ways your content can become an asset for your brand. Practical strategies to help you effectively repurpose content. During this webinar, Jennifer will share practical strategies and techniques to effortlessly keep in touch with your valued constituents. Leave behind the days of one-time use content and begin to repurpose your content with great results!
Getting Your Message Out: Easily Create Content and Repurpose it | SCORE

Simple Steps for Starting a Business: Revenue & Profit Projections   –  September 28   6 pm
This is a 4 module workshop series that will take you through the basics of starting up a business. If you are willing to roll up your sleeves & work with the instructors, you’ll come away with a good understanding of the specific challenges & opportunities you will face. You will have a financial plan, a marketing plan, and an estimation of the funding you will need to get started.
Workshop #4: Revenue & Profit Projections
In this workshop, you will learn: Financial Planning – Why you need it – How to forecast your sales, costs, profits and assets Understanding and using financial statements- 3 primary financial statements you need to know about Finding financing Simple Steps for Starting a Business: Revenue & Profit Projections | SCORE

Women’s Roundtable   –  September 29   10 am
Please join us and discover the strength behind building a strong network, and see how today’s businesswomen are accomplishing more than ever before.
Through our open discussion you will have the opportunity to: Convert leads into cash Align with and support your goals through connections and strategic alliances Set up a process that guarantees results Help create community partners by leveraging your time and money Initiate action instead of being caught like a “deer in the headlights” Never quit believing in your product/service or yourself Women’s Roundtable | SCORE

Canva For Your Business – Stunning Drag and Drop Design   –  September 30   9:30 am
Canva is a free graphic design tool that will help you create virtually anything creative for your business. This free web-based application will help you create quickly: Instagram/Facebook posts LinkedIn Banners Pinterest infographics, pins, boards Printed materials like Flyers, Postcards, brochures Business cards and logos Lead Magnets  Videos Intros and more! At the end of this presentation, you will be able to dive into and let your imagination create and promote your business with your marketing objectives in mind.
Canva For Your Business – Stunning Drag and Drop Design | SCORE

Principios Basicos Para el Lanzamiento De Su Negocio   –   September 30    9:30 am
Este taller, organizado por Hispanic Unity y SCORE Broward, le ayudará a preparar un plan de negocios para convertir su sueño en realidad.
Comenzar su propio negocio es una decisión difícil. Usted no tiene que hacerlo solo.
Puede aplicar a sesiones de consultaría gratuitas las veces que sea necesario. Esta clase incluye los siguientes puntos: ¿Listo para comenzar? Mitos y realidades del espíritu empresarial ¿Tiene lo que se necesita? Conozca sus opciones. Aprenda los aspectos prácticos y legales de emprender un nuevo negocio Conceptos básicos del plan de negocios Principios Basicos Para el Lanzamiento De Su Negocio | SCORE

SBA Cyber Summit – each Wednesday in October 2023. This is your chance to immerse yourself in a world of opportunities, insights, and inspiration that will shape your cybersecurity journey for years to come.  Register today at
SBA CYBER SUMMIT 2023 (each Wednesday in October) Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
 and be a part of the cybersecurity revolution!

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office – Multiple Dates in September & October
Part I of the Intellectual Property Basics series will focus on an introduction to the different types of IP including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.  The discussion will also cover how to determine whether your invention is novel and illustrate the difference between provisional and non-provisional patent applications.
Intellectual Property Basics and Helpful Resources Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Resources for Veterans from SBA and other Agencies  –  November 14   12 Noon
This class covers the programs and services the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers to help veterans start and grow a business. Although the SBA is usually associated with loans, this over view will run through the SBA Loan Programs as well as our other programs and services for veterans including Counseling, Export Assistance, Government Contracting, Surety Bonds, and Disaster Assistance.  In addition, other veterans support programs will be covered.
Resources for Veterans Starting a Business | SCORE

More Events and Workshops

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Miami-Dade Business Navigators

Florida Women’s Business Center Workshops

Tampa Bay Women’s Business Center Workshops

weVENTURE Women’s Business Center Workshops

Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU – Miami

Florida Small Business Development Center at UCF – Orlando

Florida Small Business Development Center at IRSC – Port St. Lucie

Florida Small Business Development Center at USF – Tampa

Broward SCORE Workshops

Manasota SCORE Workshops

Miami-Dade SCORE Workshops

Palm Beach SCORE Workshops

Space Coast SCORE Workshops

Southwest SCORE – Ft. Myers Workshops

Treasure Coast SCORE Workshops
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Blessings in a Backpack of Southwest Florida Receives Platinum Corporate Sponsorship from O'Donnell Landscapes Inc.