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Cash Flow vs. Profitability   –  August 15   10 am
Understanding the difference between cash flow and profitability can prevent the number one reason businesses fail – insolvency. Learn how to use each of them to manage your business more effectively in this one-hour seminar, featuring a real small business case study
Registration (

2023 Federal Contracting Conference   –  August 16  8 am to 5pm  This event is free and open to the public.  Businesses will have the opportunity to meet with procurement officials from Federal government agencies and defense and aerospace contractors.  Learn about the Federal government procurement process Location: Florida Solar Energy Center, 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, Florida 32922
Register here.

Process Improvement and Working Smarter  –  August 17  1 pm
How do you improve the work processes in your office or small business? This webinar focuses on applying “Lean” process improvement to add efficiencies to your business and improve your bottom line potential.
Learn ideas about making your work processes flow better, faster, cheaper.  We can show you how to apply “Lean” thinking to any business process, regardless of your industry. In many cases, this can result in improved customer service, saved labor, better inventory control, and reduction of expenses. This is an introductory webinar that focuses on problem solving, and identifying “value added” activities. We will discuss examples of improved processes from many different industries.
Process Improvement and Working Smarter (

Diseñe una estrategia de precios cautivadora   August 19   9:30 am
El precio es el elemento que garantiza la rentabilidad de cualquier negocio. Por ello debe elaborarse una estrategia de precios que no solo garantice el retorno económico y financiero esperado, sino que además conecte emocionalmente con el cliente, garantizando la compra y evitando que elijan a la competencia.
En este seminario web aprenderán sobre estrategia de precios emocional y creativo, desde la perspectiva de la neurociencia y adaptado a su modelo de negocio.
Diseñe una estrategia de precios cautivadora | SCORE

8a & Hubzone Contracting Eligibility and Certifications  August 21  11:30 am
Part One: Learn how SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program helps small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the marketplace. This class focuses on the benefits of this program. It also covers the eligibility requirements necessary to participate.
Part Two: The Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone) program helps small businesses in urban and rural communities gain preferential access to federal procurement opportunities. The Hubzone Certification program is a means of “setting aside” Federal Contracts for firms that can be certified by the Small Business Administration. This class will review the criteria and eligibility for this program.
Aug – 21 Workshops on SBA Programs & Services – Federal Certifications 8a & Hubzone (

Legal & Tax Implications of Starting a Business in Florida   –  August 21   6 pm
et your business up the right way and minimize taxes and personal liability. Learn how to protect your assets.
Many new business owners do not spend enough time & planning to ensure they choose the right legal entity when formally setting up their business. They push off legal and tax issues, and see them as boring and confusing. As a result, they neglect to view the law and the tax system as avenues to potential success in their businesses and roadways away from potential pitfalls. When a business owner understands legal and tax issues that affect his or her business, however, he or she may become more empowered to discover the paths to success in business.
Join Eric for an interactive workshop that will provide you with a wealth of information necessary to start or formalize your young or evolving business.
During the workshop, you will: Learn which business entity may help you avoid personal liability in your business; Discover which business entity may save you taxes; Determine which business entity may protect your assets; Understand which business entity may provide you with the most efficient management structure; Find out where to seek business law and tax advice; Figure out how to pick a name for your business; and Gather information concerning necessary licenses, state and local taxes, minimum wage, and other regulations. Legal & Tax Implications of Starting a Business in Florida | SCORE

DIVAS IN THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY   –  August 22   9:30 am
Event description Help clients to understand the “industry” Identify profitability Determine how to get a “slice of the pie” Develop & manage successful businesses Aug 22 Divas in the Trucking Industry (

SBA Loans & Resources That Work   –  August 22    10 am
Are you looking for funding to start or grow your business? This workshop will explain the role of the SBA, as they do not lend money directly to small business owners. Instead they reduce the risk for lenders which makes it easier for small business to get loans. Lean about 7(a) loans, 504 Loans, micro-loans, lender and SBA loan program eligibility requirements, as well as how to plan your financing request to lenders.
Registration (

Grow Your Business with the Florida SSBCI Loan Program   –   August 22    12 Noon
In this workshop you will learn about the SSBCI Loan Program for your small businesses in Florida. It will include information on their Loan Guarantee Program (Up to $20 million per loan), Collateral Support Program (Up to $20 million per loan), Capital Access Program (Up to $5 million per loan) and Loan Participation Program (Up to $20 million per loan).
Overview ⋮ Grow Your Business with the Florida SSBCI Loan Program ⋮ Blackthorn ⋮ Events

Is your website bringing in customers and putting money in your pocket?   –  August 22    12 Noon
If the answer is no, find out why from a SCORE marketing subject matter expert. Attend the live Zoom call with Sharon Mostyn, SCORE Southwest Florida Marketing Subject Matter Expert, who will do a live review of several sites and answer your questions about websites and marketing.
During the live website review, Sharon will be spending 15- 20 minutes reviewing 3-4 SCORE client sites – giving SEO advice on a variety of areas: Keyword research SEO copywriting Technical SEO Link building Analytics, and more. Is your website bringing in customers and putting money in your pocket? | SCORE

Key Financial Concepts for the Entrepreneur – Building A Balance Sheet   –  August 23   12 Noon
A company’s balance sheet provides all sorts of insights into that firm’s strengths, risks, and future prospects. That’s why understanding the entries and reading between the lines is so important.
What about when it’s your own company? Creating the balance sheet should be more than simply listing the entries in the right places. You have an opportunity to analyze trade-offs, project future effects from today’s decisions, and fix problems before they spiral out of control.
This webinar will address those factors, while reviewing the elements and rules for balance sheet creation.
Webinar Series 3 – Building A Balance Sheet | SCORE

Haga crecer su negocio con el programa de préstamos Florida SSBCI  –  August 23   1 pm
En este taller aprenderá sobre el Programa de Préstamos SSBCI para sus pequeñas empresas en Florida. Incluirá información sobre su Programa de Garantía de Préstamos (hasta $20 millones por préstamo), Programa de Apoyo Colateral (Hasta $20 millones por préstamo), Programa de Acceso a Capital (Hasta $5 millones por préstamo) y Programa de Participación en Préstamos (Hasta $20 millones por préstamo).
Haga crecer su negocio con el programa de préstamos Florida SSBCI (

Motivación del Logro   –  August 23    6pm
Si las personas reconocen la Motivación del Logro en su vida diaria, ellos pueden practicarla conscientemente, aprender a aplicarla más eficazmente en situaciones empresariales. El concepto básico de la Motivación al Logro ha sido exitosamente aplicado en más de cuarenta (40) países que representan diversas circunstancias culturales y económicas.
Informes de experiencias indican el mérito de este seminario en mejorar el porcentaje de éxito de los Socios de Aprendizaje graduados, señalado igualmente por nuevas Fundaciones de Empresas y expansión de negocios existentes.
Su objetivo es que los Socios de Aprendizaje comprendan la importancia de entender las Características del Comportamiento Emprendedor a saber: Búsqueda de Oportunidades, Correr Riesgos, Exigir Eficiencia y Calidad, Ser Persistente, Ser Fiel a los Compromisos Contraídos, Fijar Metas, Conseguir Información, Planificar y hacer Seguimiento Sistemáticamente, Ser persuasivo y crear redes de Apoyo y Tener Autoconfianza.
Motivación del Logro | SCORE

COMERICA BUSINESS $ENSE   –  August 24   11:30 am
Business Readiness Training For Women
Sponsored by: Comerica Bank
Aug 24 Comerica Business $ense (

Email Marketing 101   –  August 24   1 pm
While social media can be a valuable tool for growing your business, it’s essential to diversify your marketing efforts and not solely rely on it. One effective tactic to sell more and build relationships is email marketing.
Learn which emails to send to drive growth.
Email Marketing 101 (

Negotiating to Win   –  August 24   6pm
Negotiating to Win is a business strategy used in almost every business relationship. There is often the opportunity to negotiate pricing, hiring, buying services and more. Great negotiators are often the best business managers. It is full of strategies for creating a win-win relationship with all business contacts. Learn to become the best negotiator!
Negotiating to Win | SCORE

Miami-Dade Business Navigator Resource Fair   –  August 25   10  am
The Miami-Dade Business Navigator (MDBN) program is an exciting new local initiative funded, in part, through a grant with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The program brings together local groups working to expand their reach and support small and micro-businesses like yours. This local Resource Fair will bring together MDBN groups and additional small business organizations from around the County to connect directly with Miami businesses. Meet one-on-one with these community groups who can help you access resources and information to start and grow your business. Sign up today! *********************************************************************************
El programa de Asesores Empresariales de Miami-Dade (Miami-Dade Business Navigator o MDBN) es una nueva y emocionante iniciativa local parcialmente financiada a través de una subvención con la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas de los Estados Unidos (SBA). El programa reúne a grupos locales que trabajan para expandir su alcance y apoyar a negocios pequeños y microempresas como la suya. Esta Feria de Recursos local reunirá a grupos de MDBN y otras organizaciones de pequeñas empresas de todo el Condado para conectarse directamente con empresas de Miami. Reúnase uno a uno con estos grupos comunitarios que pueden ayudarlo a acceder a recursos e información para iniciar y hacer crecer su negocio. ¡Regístrese hoy!
Miami-Dade Business Navigator Resource Fair (

Principios Basicos Para el Lanzamiento De Su Negocio   –  August 26   9:30 am
Este taller, organizado por Hispanic Unity y SCORE Broward, le ayudará a preparar un plan de negocios para convertir su sueño en realidad.
Comenzar su propio negocio es una decisión difícil. Usted no tiene que hacerlo solo.
Puede aplicar a sesiones de consultaría gratuitas las veces que sea necesario. Esta clase incluye los siguientes puntos: ¿Listo para comenzar? Mitos y realidades del espíritu empresarial ¿Tiene lo que se necesita? Conozca sus opciones. Aprenda los aspectos prácticos y legales de emprender un nuevo negocio Conceptos básicos del plan de negocios Principios Basicos Para el Lanzamiento De Su Negocio | SCORE

¿Cómo cautivar a mis clientes y aumentar las ventas?   –  August 26   10 am
Serie De Mesas Redondas Para Mujeres Hispanas En Persona
Sin clientes no hay ventas, pero el proceso de ventas va mucho más allá del producto o servicio. Para lograr conectar con tus clientes de manera continua, hay que cautivar y esto requiere de una serie de pasos que debes implementar en la estrategia de tu negocio.
En nuestra tercera sesión de Score Roundtable Series for Hispanic Women aprenderemos los aspectos básicos para crear ventas cautivadoras.
¿Qué son las Mesas Redondas?
Espacio de networking donde disfrutarás de la oportunidad de conocer a otras emprendedoras, que estén interesadas en conversar sobre los desafíos comunes que enfrentan en su emprendimiento.
La sesión comienza con una presentación de una mentora experta, seguida con la discusión sobre preguntas interesantes acerca del tema. Al finalizar obtendrás información clave, para trabajar en tus objetivos, y vivirás la experiencia de establecer nuevas conexiones para tu negocio.
¿Cómo cautivar a mis clientes y aumentar las ventas? | SCORE

Resources for Veterans from SBA and other Agencies  –  August 30   12 Noon
This class covers the programs and services the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers to help veterans start and grow a business. Although the SBA is usually associated with loans, this over view will run through the SBA Loan Programs as well as our other programs and services for veterans including Counseling, Export Assistance, Government Contracting, Surety Bonds, and Disaster Assistance.  In addition, other veterans support programs will be covered.
Resources for Veterans Starting a Business | SCORE

More Events and Workshops

Find events | U.S. Small Business Administration (

Miami-Dade Business Navigators

Florida Women’s Business Center Workshops

Tampa Bay Women’s Business Center Workshops

weVENTURE Women’s Business Center Workshops

Florida Small Business Development Center at FIU – Miami

Florida Small Business Development Center at UCF – Orlando

Florida Small Business Development Center at IRSC – Port St. Lucie

Florida Small Business Development Center at USF – Tampa

Broward SCORE Workshops

Manasota SCORE Workshops

Miami-Dade SCORE Workshops

Palm Beach SCORE Workshops

Space Coast SCORE Workshops

Southwest SCORE – Ft. Myers Workshops

Treasure Coast SCORE Workshops  
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