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Do you dream of a Cleveland Avenue that better
reflects the heart and soul of our community?    

Here’s why your voice matters:    

Join us at the Listening Session:
March 19, 2024
at 5:30 PM  

Lee Memorial Hospital

Your insights are invaluable. You live, work, and play in Cleveland Avenue.
You understand its unique character and the challenges it faces. Sharing your
perspective is essential to crafting a plan that truly serves the community.

Your ideas can shape the future. Do you have specific wishes for Cleveland
Avenue? Perhaps it’s more green spaces, improved pedestrian walkways, or a
revitalized business district. Expressing your aspirations is crucial for creating
a plan that reflects the community’s desires.

Together, we can make a difference. A successful redevelopment plan requires 
collaboration and collective vision. By coming together and sharing our ideas,
we can ensure that Cleveland Avenue flourishes for generations to come.  

RSVP Today        

This Listening Session is your chance to be part of the solution, to shape the
future of Cleveland Avenue, and to leave a lasting legacy on your community.
What would you change about the current plan↓



It’s a strategic blueprint Imagine bustling shops lining the
streets, offering unique finds and fostering a sense of connection.
Picture vibrant green spaces where families gather and children
play. Envision thriving businesses, contributing to the neighbor-
hood’s economic vitality and creating a diverse employment
landscape. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Plan
is a blueprint for enhancing the quality of life for Cleveland Ave.
It guides decisions on infrastructure, housing, cultural spaces, and
economic development – everything that makes our city vibrant
and livable.

Click to RSVP for the Cleveland Avenue Listening Session.          

Spread the word! The more voices we hear, the stronger and
more inclusive the plan will be. Let’s create a Cleveland Avenue
that embodies the spirit of our community and thrives for years to

Together, we can make it happen!

Mar 19   Listening Session:

Cleveland Avenue Redevelopment Plan Update  


Shape the Future: Your input will directly influence the development projects and
enhancements in our beloved downtown.

Community Impact: By participating, you help prioritize what matters most to our
residents and businesses.

Transparency in Action: Experience firsthand how redevelopment decisions are
made and funds are distributed.

Educational Opportunity: Learn about the complexities and challenges of urban
planning in a fun and engaging way.

Leave Your Mark: This is more than a plan; it’s a legacy for future generations
that starts with you.


1400 Jackson Street,
Fort Myers, FL 33901
[email protected]

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