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I’m reaching out with an update regarding our recent campaign urging Big Sugar to drop their lawsuit over the use of a keystone Everglades Restoration project, the EAA Reservoir.

After we launched our petition (which has almost 15,000 signature so far), Big Sugar put out a response statement that contains some misleading language and strategic narratives, so CFCW Co-Founder Capt. Chris Wittman broke it all down with the facts—exposing the REAL reason Big Sugar is suing over the project.

View our response to their statement on Instagram here:

Ultimately, if Big Sugar is successful in this lawsuit, it could upend years of restoration progress, threatening the future of Florida’s waters AND our economy. That’s why we’re standing up to oppose this lawsuit—so that the EAA Reservoir can be used to save our waters as it was intended.

For more information on the lawsuit and our petition, read our full press release here.

Please contact Heather Nash at [email protected] if you have any questions, or if you’d like to coordinate an interview. Thanks for your time!

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