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Nominate Now!

*Nominations received after the deadline will be eligible for the 2025 E Awards.
24th Annual Elaine McLaughlin Outstanding Hospitality Service Awards  

Friday, August 23rd
Caloosa Sound Convention Center

Make sure your staff is nominated for this year’s E Awards! Remind your guests that
it is easy to nominate your colleagues for providing exceptional customer service at! NOMINATE TODAY!

Nomination criteria includes:
– Service satisfaction – going the “extra mile”.
– Leadership work ethic – willingness to help; attitude; problem-solving.
– Job knowledge – how their performance skills and creativity affected their service.
– Fort Myers – Island, Beaches and Neighborhoods awareness – familiarity with and
promotion of Lee County.
– Compassion – helping during a crisis or emergency without expecting or needing
thanks just because you care.

Nominations can be submitted by guests, supervisors or colleagues, however self-
nominations are not accepted.

Who is the Best Tourism Boss in Lee County?

If you think it’s your supervisor or manager, nominate them today!

Best Tourism Boss

Interesting in sponsoring? Email [email protected] for details!

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