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Jazz at the MACC: The Music of Duke Ellington
MARCH 7 | 7:00 PM
Music & Arts Community Center
13411 Shire Ln, Fort Myers, FL 33912

Join the Jazz Collective as they perform their most ambitious, and personal, show yet.   

Who will we be?   

The Jazz Collective explores this question, tying each movement of their show to a specific emotion.
Have you ever wondered what it sounds like to be humble? Or kind? Daring? Or humorous? Honest
or wise? Gulf Coast Jazz Collective Artistic Director, Paul Gavin, will answer these questions as he
fields the largest group the Jazz Collective has ever seen, featuring horns, piano, guitar, bass, drums,
percussion and a full string quartet!  

This is the biggest move the Gulf Coast Jazz Collective has made to date – a truly unique artistic
expression, and will premiere at MACC.   

Don’t miss this truly special experience! .
239.277.1700 |

About the Gulf Coast Jazz Collective 

Experience jazz unlike anywhere else in Southwest Florida! The Gulf Coast Jazz
collective, led by drummer, teacher, composer, and arranger, Paul Gavin also features
bassist Brandon Robertson, and pianist Zach Bartholomew. 

239.277.1700 |

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