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FORT MYERS, Fla. (April 19, 2018) — Edison & Ford Winter Estates received more than $10,000 for garden restoration through a fundraising collaboration with Keep Lee County Beautiful, the Community Interact Club of Fort Myers and the Rotary Club of Fort Myers. Several trees will be planted on April 21 in a ceremony with the supporting organizations and students.
This year, the Rotary club was tasked with planting trees as part of their overall mission; each chapter made it their goal to plant some locally. “When the Rotary Club and Keep Lee County Beautiful learned of the need for garden restoration at Edison Ford, they decided it was a perfect fit,” said Mike Cosden, executive vice president at Edison Ford.
Chartered in 1922, the Rotary Club of Fort Myers is a leadership organization comprised of local business, professional and civic leaders who are united in providing humanitarian service locally and throughout the world. They embrace the highest ethical standards to build goodwill and peace. The Fort Myers club is the first, oldest and largest of the 54 in Southwest Florida.
Keep Lee County Beautiful is an organization that aims to inspire, educate and engage the Lee County community in improving, beautifying and protecting the environment. Their goal is to give back to the community through a passionate, environmental focus. The organization provides a unique experience for individuals to make an impact in the community. They offer a variety of service projects for groups of all ages to get involved. Three ways that they engage the community is through education, environment and events.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fort Myers, the Community Interact Club of Fort Myers is a service club for youth, ages 12-18. The club is part of Interact’s global youth network, which is dedicated to both community and international service. Interact’s name is a combination of the words international and action. The goal for every Interact project is to have a lasting impact on society, worldwide.
Following the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma, Edison Ford is restoring the gardens. Replacing the lost trees and plants has been an enormous expense for the organization. The money raised by Keep Lee County Beautiful, the Rotary Club of Fort Myers and the Community Interact Club will cover the costs associated with replacing several trees. Trees that are being replaced, include: Camphor (Cinnamomon camphora), white Floss Silk (Ceiba insignis), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus degulpta), Lorito (Pithocellobium arborea), Sausage tree (Kigelia pinnata), pink Shaving Brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum), Ironwood (Caeselpinia ferrea), Beautyleaf tree (Callophyllum innophyllum), Allspice (Pimenta dioica), Bay-rum (Pimenta racemosa), Pink Orchid tree (Bauhinia purpurea), Princess Flower (Tibouchina), Violet tree (Polygala cowellii), yellow Tabebuia (Tabebuia argenta), red Silk Cotton tree (Bombax ceiba), Tree Jasmine (Rachmachera ignea), and Walter’s Viburnum (Viburnum obovatum). 
For more information, or to donate, visit the website at or call 239-334-7419.

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