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As the curtain rises on another exciting season of captivating performances, we
are thrilled to introduce a unique way for you to engage with the Gulf Coast
Symphony experience – our exclusive Flex Package Personality Test!

Are you the Adventurous Auditorium Aficionado, always eager to explore new
musical horizons? Or perhaps the Classic Connoisseur, finding solace in the
timeless melodies that have graced concert halls for centuries? Whichever
persona resonates with you, our Flex Package offer the perfect opportunity to
tailor your symphony experience to match your preferences.

Jazz Enthusiast

If you find yourself swaying to the soulful sounds of jazz, then the Jazz
Enthusiast is your kindred spirit. The Flex Package lets you immerse yourself in
our jazz-focused performances, celebrating the creativity and spontaneity that
define this genre. From sultry sax solos to mesmerizing piano improvisations,
your package will be a gateway to the world of jazz.

Their Flex Package Looks Like:
Jazz at the MACC Blue Train: Music of John Coltrane – Nov 16
Jazz at the MACC 
Music of Duke Ellington – Feb 15
Jazz at the MACC 
Who Will We Be?: A Jazz Suite About the Soul – Mar 7
Jazz at the MACC 
Modern Creations: New Jazz Performed by The Composers – Apr 18

Classic Connoisseur

For those who appreciate the timeless elegance of classical compositions,
the Classic Connoisseur is the embodiment of refined taste. Revel in the grace and
sophistication of orchestral classics performed by our exceptional musicians.
The Flex Package empowers you to enjoy these cherished compositions at your

Their Flex Package Looks Like:
GCS at the MACC Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 – Nov 18 & 19
GCS at the MACC 
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 4 – Jan 13 & 14
GCS at the MACC 
Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass
with Fort Myers Symphonic Mastersingers – Feb 17 & 18
Sunday Chamber Music 
Verona Quartet – Feb 25

Adventurous Auditorium Aficionado
If you’re drawn to the thrill of discovering fresh compositions and innovative
arrangements, the Adventurous Auditorium Aficionado is your alter ego. With
the Flex Package, you can choose from a diverse lineup of contemporary, jazz-
infused, and experimental performances. Immerse yourself in the unexpected
and let your musical spirit roam free.

Their Flex Package Looks Like:
Jazz at the MACC Blue Train: Music of John Coltrane – Nov 16
GCS at the MACC Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 – Nov 18 & 19
Rodgers & Hammerstein’s 
A Grand Night For Singing – Jan 18 – Feb 3
Sunday Chamber Music Verona Quartet – Feb 25

Ready to create a Flex Package of your own?

239.277.1700 |






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