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November 2023      

FGCU Academy
The End of Daylight Savings Time 2023    

Greetings, have you remembered to set your clocks back 1 hour? That is right, today is the
end of daylight savings time. It will be lighter in the morning and darker earlier in the day
until March 2024. Only two states do not participate, Hawaii and parts of Arizona.  

Time Change History Federal oversight of time zones began in 1918 with the enactment
of the Standard Time Act, which vested the Interstate Commerce Commission with the
responsibility for establishing boundaries between the standard time zones in the continental
United States. This responsibility was transferred from the Interstate Commerce Commission
to DOT when Congress created DOT in 1966.   

In 1966, the federal government passed a law called the Uniform Time Act to standardize
time across the country. The law said that a state doesn’t have to have daylight saving time
if it doesn’t want to. But if it does want to have daylight saving time, it has to be statewide. 
Also, the states with daylight saving time would need to start on the same date and end on
the same date, with the federal government setting those start and end dates.  

There are many amendments that have taken place throughout history, mostly during war
times to help conserve energy. We saw this in the early 70’s too.  

Under legislation enacted in 1986, Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. began at 2:00 a.m.
on the first Sunday of April and ended at 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday of October.  

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended Daylight Saving Time in the U.S. beginning in
2007, though Congress retained the right to revert to the 1986 law should the change prove
unpopular or if energy savings are not significant. Going from 2007 forward, Daylight Sav-
ing Time in the U.S.   begins at 2:00 a.m. on the second Sunday of March and ends at 2:00
a.m. on the first Sunday of November  

Enough talk of time change. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of what is happening the next
few weeks at FGCU Academy. We have been busy this year. We are seeing many new faces
walking through our doors too. Scroll below to see the exciting offerings. And if you are
looking to travel in 2024, you won’t want to miss our travel open house information where
we will unveil 9 exciting destinations for you to partake in.  

Everyone is invited and welcome to take classes at ANY of our locations. Make sure to
register early as space can be limited.  

For assistance with registration – call our office (239) 434-4737, and we will be more
than happy to assist you.


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FGCU Academy Website

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November Daily Calendar


Day Trips & Special Events  

For assistance with registration – Call 239.434.4737  


FGCU Academy 2024 Travel Open House  

Join FGCU Academy online as we formally unveil our 2024 travel excursions including
Kenya & Tanzania, Iceland, Southern Italy & Sicily, Scotland, Provincial France, New
Zealand and Southeast Asia. This year we also are featuring two remarkable river cruises,
Sensations of Lyon & Provence and Jewels of the Rhine. Nine exciting and luxurious tours
are planned for the upcoming travel season starting in May 2024, and we invite you to learn
about them all. Through unique and interesting itineraries, participants experience life outside
the classroom, visit historic sites with local guides, experience another culture – its customs,
cuisine, language and history – and delight in conversation and laughter with fellow explorers
who share a love of travel and a sense of adventure.  

Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
Time: 10:30am – 12pm  

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 944 8286 8844
Passcode: 589798  

Free to everyone…click the link above to join the meeting.    

Additional Open House Dates
Pre-Registration Required  

@ FGCU Main Campus | November 8 | 1:30 – 3 pm
Water School (BLDG AB9) Room 106

@ Cypress Cove | November 17 | 10 – 11:30 am

@ TwinEagles | November 20 | 4 – 5:30 pm

Yoga Nidra Meditation (2-part series)
Online via Zoom | November 14, 28 | 9 – 10am  

From the comfort and peace of your own home,
calm and reset your body and mind through the
practice of Yoga Nidra Meditation. We start with
gentle stretches and breathing exercises to relax
the body as we ease into a guided meditation.
Yoga Nidra is the easiest form of meditation. It is
an ancient sleep-based guided meditation, which is
very relaxing. As a result, people feel refreshed and
their energy is recharged. It’s equivalent to 3-4 hours
of sleep. Very healing on many levels. Suggested
props include a yoga mat and blanket or towel.

The Making of Modern China
@ Naples Center or Online via Zoom | November 14 | 10 – 11:30am  

China emerged from a “Century of Humiliation” and a 20-year civil
war and is now one of the world’s leading economies and global policy
shapers. How did the Chinese governing system evolve? Does China’s
more authoritarian model meet the challenges of the 21st century? How
should the U.S. respond to China’s rise? This lecture reviews China’s
global investment program (Belt and Road Initiative) and considers
the pros and cons of China’s approach to global economic engagement.
What are the long-standing traditions of China that are now incorporated
into Communist China? Is China really a Communist state with market
characteristics? Where is China headed? Join a 40-year national security
affairs analyst as he examines all of these important questions. 

The Versailles Settlement
@ Naples Center or Online via Zoom | November 14 | 10 – 11:30am  

By 1918, after four years of horrific war, the combatants of
World War I were ready for peace. The national leaders
faced the daunting task of contending with collapsed empires,
redrawing the map of Europe, balancing fairness with a desire
for revenge, paying for the appalling devastation and soothing
the bitter memory of war. This lecture explores the issues confront-
ing the “Big Four” and the debatable success of their solutions.

iPhone/iPad Settings: iCloud, Notifications, Apple Pay, Emergency SOS and more
@ Naples Center or Online via Zoom | November 14 | 10 – 11:30am  

Settings is one of the most important Apps on your iPhone/ iPad; it is where you
customize and control how your device functions. If you have not spent quality
time in the Settings app, you do not fully understand how your devices can work
for you. This lecture-style presentation explores how to configure the most import-
ant settings on your iPhone and iPad, including iCloud, Notifications, Focus, Dis-
play & Brightness, Privacy, Emergency SOS, Apple Pay and many more.

Apple Watch Tips, Tricks & Secrets of the New Watch OS 10
@ Naples Center or Online via Zoom | November 15 | 10 – 11:30am  
Join this lecture-style presentation as we explore the many features of the
Apple Watch. It’s not just about telling time, it’s about phone calls, email
messages, maps, music, photos, health tracking, Apple Pay, fall detection
and so much more.    


Appetizers with Wine Pairing Social Event at Mare Terra
@ Mare Terra Restaurant – Bonita Springs November 7 | 4:30 – 6 pm  

Pre-registration is required. Make new friends and enjoy several delectable
samplings of wonderful Italian appetizers at Mare Terra Restaurant in Bonita
Springs. Your guide for this food and wine experience is with a sommelier
who has personally chosen the wine pairings for each appetizer. Eat, laugh
and be merry at the Academy’s Appetizers and Wine Pairing social event!

Miami’s Little Havana Culinary, Artistic and Cultural Tour
@ Miami | November 14 | 8 am – 6 pm  

Join us as we explore the rich history and culinary delights of a vibrant
neighborhood. Little Havana was recently listed as an official “national
treasure” of the United States by the National Trust for Historic Preserva-
tion. The neighborhood is well-known for its many historical, political,
culinary, and artistic contributions to our Miami culture. Nestled in the
heart of the city’s downtown area and only a short drive from Miami’s
famed South Beach, the neighborhood is full of interesting cultural
landmarks which we visit including a cigar factory, Domino Park, Cuban
Memorial Blvd., the Tower Theater, artist workshops and the Damas De
Blanco Mural. Enjoy delicious cuisine including empanadas, Cuban sand-
wiches, mojitos, guayaba, croquetas, churros and more at a diverse range
of establishments; from 5-star gourmet to hole-in-the-wall ethnic eateries.
Departure information will be emailed 3 days prior to the trip. Itineraries
are subject to change. No refunds within 10 business days of departure.

Miami Millionaire’s Row™ Boat Cruise & Bayside Marketplace
@ Miami | December 12 | 8 am – 6 pm  

Enjoy a fully-narrated 90-minute cruise and enjoy spectacular views of
Biscayne Bay, the Miami Skyline, Port of Miami, Fisher Island, Miami
Beach and Millionaire’s Row™ – the Homes of the Rich and Famous™.
Soft drinks, cocktails and light snacks are available for purchase. A modern
yacht offers the utmost comfort and style. Each vessel features an air-
conditioned lower salon enclosed in picture windows, as well as an upper-
deck where you can take in the fresh ocean breeze and an awning that will
protect you from direct sunlight and light seasonal showers. After the cruise,
enjoy time for some lunch and shopping at the Bayside Marketplace, one of
Miami’s most popular destinations. Departure information will be emailed 3
days prior to trip. Itineraries are subject to change. No refunds within 10
business days of departure.  


See a sample of what is coming over the next weeks
click on any title below for more information    

Monday November 6
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Queen Elizabeth I – Gloriana  

Tuesday November 7
Who Really Discovered America?  

Wednesday November 8
Are You an Informed Collier County Voter?  

Thursday November 9
Cuba: A Nation Frozen in TimeiPhone/iPad Apps: Apple Mail  

Friday November 10
“The Letter” by Former Intelligence Officials on the Hunter Biden Laptop  

Monday November 13
Russian-American Paradox
Diana: Death of a Princess  

Tuesday November 14
iPhone/iPad: Tips, Tricks & Secrets of Apple’s Newest Operating System iOS 17
The Constitution and the New “Imperial Presidency”  

Thursday November 16
From Laboratory to Bedside – How Biopharmaceutical Companies Discover and Develop New Drugs
iPhone/iPad Apps: Camera and Taking Great Photos
Are You an Informed Collier County Voter?  

Friday November 17
Cutting the Cord
Whatever Happened to the Great American Railroad?  

FALL Movie Series


International Film and Documentary Discussion Series (3 films)    

2:00 pmSundays at Naples Center  

International Film and Documentary Discussion Series (3 films)

Tell No One – November 12 – (France, 2008, Drama, Not Rated, 125 min)  

Margot was murdered by a serial killer eight years ago, and her husband,
Alexandre, continues to mourn her death. One day, the police discover
two dead bodies near Alexandre’s home, along with a cache of evidence
implicating him in the crime. On the same day, Alexandre receives an
email with a video showing his wife alive and well, along with a simple
message: “Tell no one.” With the police breathing down his neck,
Alexandre goes on the run.  

About Elly – December 10 – (Iran, 2009, Drama, Rated PG, 119 min)  

A young teacher on a vacation to northern Iran with three middle-class
families goes missing before she is able to be introduced to a suitor.  

Bring FGCU Academy to Your Community      

If you would like to have FGCU Academy provide programs at your
community, click below and send us an email with your information:
who the contact person is, their email and phone number along with
name of your community. We will be happy to reach out and discuss
the possibilities with them.  

Schedule a Private Education Session for Your Community!      

Travel The World With FGCU Academy
Travel is not reward for working, it’s education for living  

View our Pre-Recorded Travel Open House Presentation Now  

2024 recording coming soon!

FGCU Academy Travel 2024 
Call for More Info – 239-434-4838 
Travel Brochures Coming Soon

Classic Safari: Kenya & Tanzania, August 13-28, 2024   

“On safari” … it’s one of the most alluring phrases in all of travel. And Kenya
and Tanzania count among the most alluring places to be “on safari.” As our
small group travels from grasslands to highlands, to reserves and national parks,
we enjoy intimate game drives, see stupendous landscapes, stay in excellent
accommodations, and meet gracious local people. 

Exploring Iceland, August 15-25, 2024    

It’s a surprising, even astonishing land; one of massive glaciers and rumbling
volcanoes, bubbling mud holes and powerful waterfalls; hugely abundant bird
life and just 340,000 people; and where the sun never sets for six splendid weeks.
It’s also perfect for exploring in a small group, as we discover traveling the breadth
of the country and getting an up-close view of this natural “wonderland.”

Southern Italy & Sicily, September 4-18, 2024    

Delight in a special exploration of Italy’s southern climes, from striking Sicily
and the breathtaking Amalfi Coast to unheralded Apulia, the alluring “boot heel”
where a vivid history, unique architecture, and bountiful plains join the sun and
sea in creating a prized (and crowd-free) region. Add Italian hospitality, outstand-
ing cuisine, and notable lodgings for la dolce vita, small-group style.

Scotland: Highlands & Islands, September 9-20, 2024 
“My heart’s in the Highlands,” said Robert Burns – as will you, as we travel from
city to country, mainland to island, on this sweet journey. From loch to loch and
glen to glen, we encounter stunning natural beauty and welcoming clans, while
city life serves up the colorful past – and cosmopolitan present.

Sensations of Lyon & Provence 2024 River Cruise September 17 – 28, 2024
It is no surprise that the South of France is recognized as the birthplace of photography,
its unrivaled beauty includes the finest examples of French 15th-century architecture,
with Roman ruins and sun-soaked vineyards nestled at the foot of colossal mountain
ranges. Spend three nights in Nice along the stunning French Riviera and enjoy a visit
to Monte Carlo, playground of the rich and famous. Sail the Rhône and Saône Rivers
while exploring ports of call in Chalon-sur-Saône, Lyon, Tournon, Viviers, Avignon
and Arles, all the while experiencing the rich history and picturesque beauty of
Southern France.  

View Brochure

Jewels of the Rhine, 2024 River Cruise September 20 – 30, 2024  

Enjoy a cruise on the romantic Rhine River where UNESCO World Heritage sites,
gothic cathedrals in Cologne and Strasbourg, historic fortresses, and picturesque
canals greet you in the various ports of call. Sail through the scenic Rhine Gorge
and experience the beauty and splendor of the Rhine. Along with the two-night
stay in Lucerne, Switzerland, set against the dramatic Swiss Alps, you’ll have an
amazing holiday on this adventure with Mayflower Cruises and Tours.  

View Brochure

Provincial French Countryside, September 27-October 11, 2024   

Experience the beauty, allure, and hospi­tality of provincial France, at an easy pace
and in a unique style. Anchored by stays in vibrant Toulouse and enchanting Paris,
the journey ­features diverse Languedoc, the remote Dordogne, the lovely Loire
Valley, and historic Normandy as we stay in charming rural inns and small country
hotels. It’s a small group tour de force! 

New Zealand Adventure, October 10-25, 2024    

It’s a tale of two islands as our small group journeys from New Zealand’s North to
its South, through lively cities and pristine fiords, past lush farmland and enchanted
forests in a land where the outdoors is the national shrine. Add engaging “Kiwis”
and intriguing indigenous cultures – it’s a pure New Zealand experience.

Southeast Asia Odysseys, October 31-November 18, 2024   

Engaging, diverse, intriguing … This just begins to describe Southeast Asia and our small
group odyssey. We cruise the Mekong through Laos; explore the spectacular – Angkor Wat –
and the sublime – Ha Long Bay; and engage with local farmers and hill tribespeople on this
comprehensive, well-paced adventure      


FGCU Academy Needs Your Support Today to Ensure that Our Critical Mission of Senior
Education and Enrichment Continues!  

FGCU Academy is ready to serve the SWFL community for the 2023 Season—Learning, Growing,
Sharing, Socializing. I am excited to welcome you this year to the new FGCU Naples Center, which
is located at 704 Goodlette Frank Rd N, Suite 330 in Naples. Also, we have two new locations in Lee
County, Pelican Landing in Bonita Springs and the FGCU Kleist Center on main campus. As always,
both locations are open to all our students.  

Our passion keeps us moving forward and your donations will do the same. Please take a few minutes
to consider donating to ensure our continued success. All amounts make a difference in strengthening
the work we do in the community.  

Your gift will allow the Academy to offer more than 1,500 diverse and fascinating programs at more than
fifteen locations throughout SWFL. Please visit our website to review the rich and varied programmatic
offerings that are available this year. Through our mission we promise to enrich the lives, minds and social
well-being of more than 10,000 SWFL adults and seniors during our 2023 season.  

Donate online at  

I am grateful for your consideration to support this vital community outreach program this year.  

I look forward to seeing you at a FGCU Academy program soon. Please contact me directly at 
[email protected] or 239-434-4838 with questions or to learn more.  
In gratitude, John J. Guerra Director of FGCU Academy

FGCU Academy
Collier / Lee / Charlotte

704 Goodlette-Frank Rd N
Suite 330
Naples, FL 34102  

[email protected]
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