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Stefanie Edwards of Community Cooperative earns Certified Fund Raising Executive credential

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 17, 2020) – Stefanie Edwards, chief development and operating officer of…

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Stefanie Edwards of Community Cooperative earns Certified Fund Raising Executive credential

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 17, 2020) – Stefanie Edwards, chief development and operating officer of Community Cooperative, was recently awarded her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Certification, showing professional achievement and commitment to fundraising.
The credentials are awarded based on work experience, continuing education and passing an exam. Each CFRE recipient signs an ethics agreement. Founded in 2001, CFRE International is an independent nonprofit organization whose sole mission is dedicated to setting standards in philanthropy through a valid and reliable certification process for fundraising professionals.
“During this pandemic, it is increasingly more important for nonprofit executives to be able to fund programs in the face of unprecedented need,” said Tracey Galloway, chief executive officer of Community Cooperative. “Innovation and creativity have become critical in fundraising, and Stefanie has been at the forefront of funding through grants, donors and partners and thus meeting the needs of our clients.”
Edwards is a graduate of the Lutgert College of Business at Florida Gulf Coast University and oversees all of Community Cooperative’s operations, fundraising, development and volunteer programs that include 3,500 volunteers with more than 40,000 hours last year. In 2020, Community Cooperative’s annual Soup Kitchen Benefit raised over $1 million for the first time.
She was named the 2017 Fundraising Professional of the Year from the Cape Coral Community Foundation. Currently she serves as an Advisory Board Member for Pace Center for Girls, Lee County and as a board member for the Planned Giving Council of Lee County.
About Community Cooperative
For 35 years, Community Cooperative has worked to effectively eliminate hunger and homelessness in Lee County while simultaneously inspiring and supporting sustained positive change in its clients by delivering innovative food, education and social service programs. With a dedicated team of volunteers, board of directors and staff, Community Cooperative stays committed to its core responsibility to collect and distribute resources through a strong and viable network of community partners. Community Cooperative is an exemplary steward of the resources entrusted to it and serves clients with compassion and integrity. Through collaboration and ongoing education, Community Cooperative supports and strengthens those whose lives have been affected by hunger and homelessness, ensuring that they have access to the resources necessary to transform their lives with dignity. For more resources and information on how to get involved, contact Stefanie Edwards at [email protected] or call (239) 332-7687. Monetary donations are always welcomed and can be made directly at, or mailed to: Community Cooperative, P.O. Box 2143, Fort Myers, FL 33902.

Better Together launches #BeBetterChallenge, invites community to support A Community Thrives Campaign Sept. 21 through Oct. 16

Funds raised will help keep an estimated 600 children out of foster care FORT MYERS,…

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Better Together launches #BeBetterChallenge, invites community to support A Community Thrives Campaign Sept. 21 through Oct. 16

Funds raised will help keep an estimated 600 children out of foster care
FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 21, 2020) – ​Better Together has been selected as a participant in the A Community Thrives campaign, a grantmaking and crowdfunding program funded by the Gannett Foundation, which invests in community-building initiatives across the country related to education, arts and culture, wellness and other positive local nonprofit initiatives.
Better Together is a voluntary, community-driven alternative to foster care that has served over 2,500 children in Southwest Florida and kept 98% of families together. The nonprofit was founded on the belief that loving parents should not lose children because they are having money problems, or had the courage to seek treatment, or got hospitalized without childcare. These challenges can be overcome with the right support system in place. Here’s how it works: When parents fall into crisis, fully screened and trained volunteers host children in their homes while mentoring parents toward stability. This includes help with finding a job, securing housing, childcare, treatment and more.
To qualify for a Gannet Foundation grant of up to $100,000, Better Together needs to meet a fundraising goal of at least $6,000 on its own. The community can help Better Together qualify for the grant by donating from Sept. 21 through Oct. 16 at
“Due to COVID-19, the need for our programs is greater than ever. We have seen a jaw-dropping 155% increase in the number of requests for help since March due to the widespread isolation, unemployment, and stress that are putting families at additional risk,” said CEO of Better Together, Megan Rose. “Through the #BeBetterChallenge, you can help us raise awareness and funds to recruit 100 new host families, 50 family mentors and 20 case coaches to meet the increased demand due to COVID-19. With these resources, we can serve 600 additional children in Southwest Florida with a proven 98% reunification rate.”
With the help of hundreds of volunteers and church communities, Better Together builds lasting support systems that help families cope with hardships – job loss, substance abuse, homelessness and even jail time – and ensures that children are cared for in a safe home until the family can be reunited. Additionally, Better Together’s “Better Jobs” program has helped nearly 28,000 job seekers find employment through church-based job fairs across 20 states.
Better Together is a nonprofit organization that helps parents going through a hard time keep their kids out of foster care, find work and address the root causes of their struggle so that they can reunite as a family with the tools and support system to thrive. A privately funded and professionally supported organization, Better Together is made up of volunteers who believe helping people help themselves is the best way to restore dignity and bring families together. Through the Better Families program, families are offered a preventive alternative to foster care while they get the help they need. To date, the program has kept 98% of children served out of foster care. The Better Jobs program was created to address the 76% of families that come to Better Together because of economic hardship tied to unemployment. In addition to community job fairs, the program offers job seekers coaching, guidance, support and encouragement through local church partners. For more information, visit

CONRIC pr + marketing earns international Videographer Awards Award of Distinction

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 17, 2020) – The Videographer Awards announced winners for the 2020…

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CONRIC pr + marketing earns international Videographer Awards Award of Distinction

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 17, 2020) – The Videographer Awards announced winners for the 2020 international awards competition that recognizes outstanding achievement in video and digital production skills. Competing with over 1500 entries, CONRIC pr + marketing received an Award of Distinction for its video submission called “Industry in Lee County: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” The video featured business leaders from all major industries throughout Lee County including healthcare, travel, tourism, sports, manufacturing, construction, technology and education.
“This award-winning video was a huge project that our CONRIC team developed for the 2019 Industry Appreciation Awards in collaboration with the Horizon Foundation, Horizon Council, Lee County Economic Development Office, and M&M Multimedia,” says CONRIC pr + marketing president and CMO Connie Ramos-Williams. “We are excited and honored to share this prestigious award with our clients and friends in business.“
CONRIC has won numerous awards for its video campaigns and projects over the years but this is the agency’s first international Videographer Award. The team at CONRIC pr + marketing was responsible for the video concept, direction, scripts, images and vision, while M&M Multimedia handled shooting and editing. CONRIC team members set up nearly two dozen video shoots across the county and conducted the one-on-one interviews.
“This video came together well and showcased the progress Lee County has made during the past 25 years while also providing us a glimpse at Lee County’s landscape when we hit that mark of 1 million population,” said Lee County Economic Development Director John Talmage.
The Videographer Awards is one of the most coveted awards in the video industry. Since 1994, thousands of production and communication professionals have entered their best and most creative work. The goal of the Videographer Awards is to identify and recognize the video artisans who excel in the scope of their own environment. The Award of Distinction is awarded for projects that exceed industry standards. Approximately 14 percent of the entries usually win this award. Award of Distinction winners are listed on the Videographer Awards website at
See what CONRIC pr + marketing can do for your company at For more information, email [email protected] or call 239-690-9840 ext. 1001.
CONRIC pr + marketing
Recognized as one of the leading public relations, marketing and advertising agencies in Southwest Florida, CONRIC pr + marketing was founded by Connie Ramos-Williams in 2007. The award-winning, full-service agency provides strategic brand awareness campaigns, integrated public relations programs, marketing development and consulting services, advertising campaigns, media buys, creative writing and design, digital marketing strategies, website development, and crisis communications strategy and implementation. The firm serves clients in many industry sectors including banking, legal, medical, government, nonprofit, hospitality, manufacturing, construction, building and development, real estate, professional association, and salon and spa. CONRIC is a recipient of multiple Image Awards from the Southwest Florida Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association and Golden Image Awards from its statewide chapter, Charlie Awards from the Florida Magazine Association, Addy Awards from the American Advertising Federation and MUSE Award for creative design. For more information, call 239-690-9840 or visit

Positioning, Packaging, and (Possibly) Pivoting

Submitted by LaShaun Collier FSBDC at FGCU September 21, 2020, Fort Myers:  A major key…

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Positioning, Packaging, and (Possibly) Pivoting

Submitted by LaShaun Collier
September 21, 2020, Fort Myers:  A major key to keeping your small business sustainable is to position and package your product or service when facing new market conditions. While positioning and packaging are “must-haves” for your business, pivoting should only be the option you turn to when you’ve exhausted all others. Only pivot as appropriate to help you make it to the “other side” – you may decide you don’t need to pivot at all, but you will definitely need to recontextualize your positioning to fit these unusual times (and your current needs).
The 3 P’s
Everyone’s needs have shifted during this pandemic – not just small businesses. In order to ensure your audience’s needs are being met just like yours, it’s important to look to the 3 P’s – positioning, packaging, and pivoting – for help.

  • Positioning: Let’s look at Nike, which put out a campaign encouraging people to ‘play inside’ as governments enforce social-distancing measures. As per Nike’s usual standards, the copy – by advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy – turned heads: “If you ever dreamed of playing for millions around the world, now is your chance.”
  • Packaging: Companies adjusting to this crisis in a multitude of ways, from restaurants turning waitstaff into delivery drivers to boutiques focusing on selling loungewear and pajamas. Ask yourself: How can you package your own business differently?
  • Pivoting: There may come a time when you have to concede that pivoting is the best option for you and your business. You may sense that something isn’t quite right with your model, or be forced to rethink your operations due to external influences, and decide to pivot – like designer handbag company Louis Vuitton selling hand sanitizer or bridal companies selling face masks to match wedding dresses.

Find Your Inspiration
Before COVID-19, Kidadl operated as an online platform for discovering and booking family events and experiences. With its community of parents going into lockdown, the company has found new ways of providing a service by pivoting to become an online destination for ideas and inspiration for stay-at-home fun and learning. The new Kidadl homepage launched for lockdown now lists over 1500 free activities and resources to make family life in lockdown much easier.
Necessity vs. Luxury
Individuals and businesses alike are choosing necessity over luxury right now. Less and less people are spending money for fun and instead choosing to be more deliberate with where their money is going. In order to go with the flow, you must become a necessity.
Crises create moments of truth in business-to-business relationships. Companies that provide other businesses with values that are higher on the Elements of Value® pyramid will exit the crisis in a better position than when it started. Focus now on being a strategic partner, demonstrating stability, going the extra mile to make your offerings available, and taking the high road by helping those in need. Then amplify these actions and messages over the coming weeks.
Refocus Your Priorities
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a five-tiered pyramid model of human needs. From the bottom of the pyramid upwards, the needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. As predicted by Maslow’s model, if your priorities are lower on the pyramid, then you find yourself less focused on needs that are higher on the pyramid. In other words, if you find yourself in a crisis, you’re not likely to worry too much about being a self-actualized being.
However, this global pandemic has knocked many of us, regardless of where we may have been “on the pyramid” just a few weeks ago, to the bottom of the pyramid. While the fiscal fallout of the pandemic will be nothing short of enormous, it must take a back seat to the more imminent health crisis that we are facing as a broader community. We can’t worry about higher-level needs when our physiological and safety needs need to be addressed first.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers globally are valuing services, products, people, and institutions that reduce their anxiety, reduce their risks, or provide some sense of safety and belonging. This is where refocusing your priorities – both as an individual and a company – is highly important.
Put It Into Action
Everything is different right now – everything. Now is the time to refocus the lens and figure out what YOUR needs are as a business leader and organization. Encourage your employees to share their own needs as they relate to your business, and use their ideas to create a hierarchy of needs based on what’s important to your organization right now. In practice:

  1. Every leader wants their business to succeed. Having something tangible – like a Maslow’s hierarchy of needs specially created for your team – can be that extra boost of motivation your employees need to keep their spirits up and feel supported.
  2. When brainstorming ways to personalize your organization’s own hierarchy of needs, consider using the pyramid as a business framework. How can this hierarchy be as much a strategy for success as it is a source of inspiration?
  3. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can be an important asset for you as a business leader, but it can be a driver for your customers, as well. You may discover more successful ways to connect with your customers, build lasting customer loyalty, and engage new customers on a more human level.

Do you want some help in strategizing how to position yourself as a thought leader? We can help, schedule your no-cost, one-on-one consulting session today at

USF honors Priority Marketing, Teri Hansen with ‘Fast 56’ award

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 15, 2020) – The University of South Florida Alumni Association has…

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USF honors Priority Marketing, Teri Hansen with ‘Fast 56’ award

FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 15, 2020) – The University of South Florida Alumni Association has recognized Priority Marketing and its founder, Teri Hansen, as a 2020 USF Fast 56 Award winner.

USF, which was founded in 1956 and has 360,000 alumni worldwide, created the Fast 56 awards program in 2013 to honor the top 56 fastest-growing businesses worldwide that are owned or operated by Bulls alumni, as well as their leaders who demonstrate outstanding civic support.

Hansen, Priority Marketing’s president and creative director, graduated magna cum laude from USF in 1984 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration and Management, as well as a minor in criminal justice. Hansen attended classes at USF’s former campus in Fort Myers when the university offered just three bachelor’s degree programs: education, criminal justice and business.

Nine years after graduating from USF, Hansen founded Priority Marketing in Fort Myers. Today, the company has more than 40 full-time employees and is the region’s largest marketing firm with a growing client base of for-profit and nonprofit clients.

 USF recognized the 2020 Fast 56 honorees through a virtual awards ceremony held Sept. 11. Topping the Fast 56 list as the fastest-growing Bull-led business was Fresco Foods and Tracy Povolny, who is founder, a board member and vice president of marketing for the Tampa-based company.

“It’s extremely gratifying to be included on such a prestigious list with fellow USF alumni who are visionaries leading their companies from coast to coast, and around the world,” said Hansen, a member of USF’s Alumni Association.

USF is a preeminent state research university with nearly 50,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in more than 180 degree programs. USF is the fastest-rising university in America on U.S. News and World Report’s annual “Best Colleges” ranking system. It currently ranks No. 46 in the nation.

In addition to a degree from USF, Hansen has earned professional Accreditation in Public Relations (APR).

In recent weeks, Priority Marketing also has been honored as a finalist in GrowFL’s 2020 Florida Companies to Watch recognition program, as well as the Florida Public Relations Association’s annual Golden Image Awards competition, where Priority Marketing earned 13 awards. PRNEWS also named Priority Marketing to its inaugural Agency Elite Top 100 list that spotlights the nation’s most innovative and strategic public relations firms of the year.


About Priority Marketing

Established in 1992, Priority Marketing is a full-service marketing, advertising, public relations and digital marketing agency located at 12140 Carissa Commerce Court, Suite 201, in Fort Myers. Follow Priority Marketing on social media through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. For industry news and marketing insights, visit and watch the FAQ Fridays video series on YouTube. For more information, call 239-267-2638 or visit

Presstige Printing Highlighted for Job Creation, Revenue Growth

(Bonita Springs, Fla.) Presstige Printing is among the first round of​ ​ the 2020 Florida…

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Presstige Printing Highlighted for Job Creation, Revenue Growth

(Bonita Springs, Fla.) Presstige Printing is among the first round of​ ​ the 2020 Florida Companies to Watch finalists recently announced by GrowFL. The awards event – now in its tenth year – honors impressive second-stage companies from throughout the state for developing valuable products and services, creating quality jobs, enriching communities, and broadening new industries throughout Florida.
Founded in Naples in 1980, Presstige Printing is experiencing record growth fueled by its commitment to customer satisfaction and investment in industry leading technology. The recent round of investments is part of the company’s “Presstige 2020” initiative, which includes nearly $3 million in state-of-the-art equipment and technology. The results are industry leading quality, consistency, and efficiency to match with the company’s superior customer service.
“We were blown away when we saw the list of phenomenal companies that we are alongside,” Presstige Printing Owner Wes Weidenmiller said. “​This recognition confirms my belief that investing in technology here at our SWFL headquarters positions us among the best printers in the state.”
Together, the 2020 GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch Finalists represent nearly 3,000 jobs and generate $670 million in revenue. These companies, all of which are “worth watching,” anticipate a growth of 13 percent in revenue and 23 percent in employment by the end of 2020.
The finalists were selected from more than 400 nominations and are now in the running to be named a 2020 GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch Honoree. If selected as an honoree, these exemplary second-stage companies will join the 450 honorees that have been recognized since 2011.
“We applaud these first-round finalists who have proved themselves to be stand out companies in the state. They have and continue to demonstrate the resiliency and tenacity that comes along with being an entrepreneur. We know this year hasn’t been easy, so we’re excited to recognize our states admirable business owners and their teams. I have a feeling they’re just getting started,” says Dr. Tom O’Neal, GrowFL Founder.
The Finalists represent a unique group of scalable, high-growth enterprises that are already located within Florida. These high growth enterprises are an important segment of our economy and their numbers have been steadily increasing. According to the Kauffman Foundation, “entrepreneurship is not a monolithic phenomenon, and it includes many moving parts. Creating new businesses is a different economic activity from running small businesses, which in turn is different from growing businesses.” GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch recognizes the different approach needed to successfully grow and scale a business and celebrates those that are working to achieve this goal.
The 2020 GrowFL Florida Companies to Watch awards celebration is brought to you by Nperspective CFO & Strategic Services, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation.​ ​Companies to Watch was developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation as a unique way to recognize and honor second-stage companies that demonstrate high performance in the marketplace with innovative strategies and processes. In addition to evaluating past growth and projected success, applicant companies are judged according to their special strengths and impact in their markets, communities and within the state – thus deeming them “worth watching.”
The 2020 honorees will be recognized on November 12, 2020, at 6pm during a live broadcast from Orlando, Florida. For more information visit ​​.
About Presstige Printing:  ​ Presstige Printing caters to premier Florida businesses, publications and non-profit organizations of all sizes and industries while serving numerous national Fortune 500 clients. Annual state and national award winner for print and production quality at the Florida Graphics Alliance’s Florida Print Awards, the company is redefining excellence in print by delivering cutting-edge technology to their clients through investment in new equipment and custom digital storefronts. Their Bonita Springs, Florida, headquarters completes all printing and mailing in-house. Additionally, their environmental certification from the Forest Certification Council™ allows them to ensure that print projects can use paper that is sourced from well-managed forests and can be FSC​®​ certified. Additional information about Presstige Printing is available at ​​.
About GrowFL:   GrowFL is dedicated to support and accelerate the growth of second-stage companies throughout Florida, by providing their leaders focused, efficient, and timely access to resources they deem important, such as connections with other second-stage company leaders, and to professional organizations whose expertise, experience, and products lead to the second-stage company’s continued growth and prosperity resulting in diversification and growth of Florida’s economy. Second-stage growth companies have at least 10 employees and a $1 million in revenue and possess an intent and desire to grow beyond second stage.  Website: ​​
About the Edward Lowe Foundation:  ​Established in 1985, the Edward Lowe Foundation is a national, nonprofit organization that supports entrepreneurship through research, recognition and educational programs, which are delivered through entrepreneur support organizations (ESOs). The foundation focuses on second-stage companies – those that have moved beyond the startup phase and seek significant, steady growth. In addition, the foundation has a second mission of land stewardship and is committed to preserving the natural resources and historically significant structures at Big Rock Valley, its 2,000-acre home in southwest Michigan. Website: ​​

Registration Open for FISH OF SANCAP's 12th Annual 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H.

Sanibel, FL (September 2020) -- The 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. Committee announces opening of registration…

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Registration Open for FISH OF SANCAP's 12th Annual 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H.

Sanibel, FL (September 2020) — The 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. Committee announces opening of registration for the 12th annual race in support of FISH OF SANCAP, this year in a virtual format.  Registration is open through the Fort Myers Track Club at Cost is $40 for those who register before Oct. 20, prices increase to $45 after Oct. 20 at 11:59pm EDT.  Runners participate virtually through the RaceJoy app on their smartphones and log their time at any point from when they register through October 31st.
The  FISH 10K Race, out of an abundance of caution and care for participants and islanders, will be taking place virtually this year due to the COVID pandemic.   While the 10K is a different format than usual, FISH is already seeing runners from across the country registering to lace up their running shoes in support of a great cause
New incentives this year include a refund of registration fee to a runner if they fundraise $250 or more (excluding processing fees) which will go to FISH of SANCAP. Additionally, for every 5 referrals a runner makes to others who sign up, they receive a $20 discount (half-off).  Also new is a ‘carb’ load dinner, hosted by community partner, The Sanibel Community House, on Fri., Oct. 23.  Dinner will feature Grilled Chicken Breast with Citrus notes, Tomato Pasta & Vegetable Bake, Chef Jarred’s ‘Amazing Mac and Cheese’, Salad and Garlic Bread, offered for dine in or car side delivery. For more information and reservations, visit the October calendar section at
“We are glad that the 12th annual race can take place despite the current situation. We are anticipating more runner participation for the virtual 10K since the race can take place anywhere at any time where all can be safe,” said Cortese.   Participating runners will receive a dri-fit shirt, with the Hortoon 10K logo on the front, as well as a matching face covering which will be mailed to directly to them.
Funds raised through the 10K race will benefit FISH of SANCAP as they continue to meet the needs of islanders for nearly 40 years, including during disasters such as the current health crisis. As the islands’ only wrap-around social services organization, FISH is experiencing significant growth in program usage, particularly their Helping Hands emergency financial assistance, their food pantry, and the Meals-by-FISH hot meal delivery program for housebound island residents.
For additional information on the FISH organization and their programs and services, please contact Alicia Tighe, Executive director at 239-472-4775 or visit their website at
For additional information on the 10K Race or if you are interested in sponsoring the virtual event, please contact Diane Cortese, Race Committee Chair, at [email protected].
About FISH:  For over 38 years, FISH has been the social service organization on Sanibel and Captiva. We are proud to say that 92 percent of every dollar donated goes directly to our programs and services.  Our wide range of human services include:

  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Food pantry
  • Non-emergency transport on and off the Island
  • Temporary loan of health equipment
  • Hurricane preparedness information
  • Disaster Relief program
  • Daily hot meals program

Registration now open for "Scarecrows in the Park: American Heroes Edition"

Fort Myers, FL, Sept. 15, 2020 - The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation invites the Southwest…

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Registration now open for "Scarecrows in the Park: American Heroes Edition"

Fort Myers, FL, Sept. 15, 2020 – The Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation invites the Southwest Florida community to participate in its 11th annual “Scarecrows in the Park” competition. Entries will be exhibited Oct. 24-31 throughout the Children’s Garden at Lakes Regional Park, 7330 Gladiolus Drive, Fort Myers.
Families, associations, clubs, businesses, community groups, scout groups, youth groups and individuals are encouraged to compete.
This year’s competition has been re-imagined, incorporating CDC guidelines for social distancing. All entries must consist of a single scarecrow figure attached securely to a pole or post, dressed as an “American Hero”. Entries must be brought to the park fully assembled – there will be no on-site assembly. Installation and takedown will occur by appointment to facilitate social distancing. Entries will be spaced throughout the Children’s Garden to enable social distancing among guests to the exhibit.
The VIP portion of the competition will be judged by local celebrities in a “secret shopper” manner, while the People’s Choice portion will be judged by the public online via “likes” on the Foundation’s Facebook and Instagram channels. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each portion of the competition. Proceeds will benefit park-enhancing projects and programs funded and managed by the Lakes Park Enrichment Foundation.
“This Scarecrows in the Park exhibit will be a good way to bring families together, to create some old-fashioned fun,” said Robin Baum, Vice President of the Foundation. “During this pandemic we haven’t had the opportunity to do a lot as a community. We’re hoping everyone will come out and display their favorite American Hero and have some fun while doing it”.
“Scarecrows in the Park has been a highlight of the fall season for the past 10 years”, said Marsha Asp, one of the Foundation’s Directors. “This year, families can build an American Hero scarecrow which will be a fun family activity, then share it with others and know they are contributing to Lakes Park. What a great idea!”
The deadline for competition registration is Oct. 16. Families, businesses, youth groups and other organizations interested in participating should email the Foundation’s Executive Director Erin White at [email protected] or visit for further information.

Complete Care is Here: What You Need to Know About the Regional Cancer Center's New Floor

Fort Myers, FL, September 10, 2020: You may have noticed the expansion at Gulf Coast Medical…

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Complete Care is Here: What You Need to Know About the Regional Cancer Center's New Floor

Fort Myers, FL, September 10, 2020: You may have noticed the expansion at Gulf Coast Medical Center over the past several months. While towering cranes, webs of scaffolding, giant facades, and construction barriers look hectic, the carefully planned additions will ensure streamlined services for a growing Southwest Florida community.
The crown jewel of the expansion is the top floor, an inpatient center solely dedicated to treating cancer patients and offering comfort to them and their families. The floor, part of the Regional Cancer Center’s all-encompassing program, features 108 patient beds, spacious rooms filled with sunlight, therapy and treatment options, an intensive care unit, cutting-edge technology, and much more.
The Regional Cancer Center at Gulf Coast Medical Center’s opening on Aug. 19 means many things, but perhaps the most important one is this: Patients no longer have to worry about going anywhere else for exceptional care. Everything they need is right here.
Here are some other things you need to know:
What is the Regional Cancer Center, and who are the major players?
The RCC is a partnership between Lee Health, 21st Century Oncology, and Florida Cancer Specialists. Since its founding, the RCC has brought together the best providers in the region under one umbrella. The RCC currently has an outpatient center at the Sanctuary in Fort Myers. The new inpatient center on the 7th floor at Gulf Coast Medical Center completes the circle of care and replaces inpatient services previously available at Lee Memorial Hospital.
But this is more than just an expansion or a move. The new floor is designed to be a care destination, an example of a cancer program at its pinnacle.
What does “Care Destination” mean?
A “care destination” means a focal point for the community. They can now look to one place for services and support. The floor – a hospital within a hospital — has the same advantages, excellence, and outcomes as other spots such as MD Anderson Cancer in Jacksonville or Memorial Sloan Kettering in Miami.
And now, patients don’t have to worry about the hassle of travel.
“We want to be viewed as a facility that has excellence in many places. We know that this community has excellence in pediatrics. We know that this community has excellence in cardiac. But a lot of people don’t realize that we have excellence in cancer care already,” says Dr. Mark Bloomston, medical director of South Florida Surgical Oncology.
Dr. Bloomston wants the community to know that cancer providers at RCC are a special breed.
“There are a lot of providers in this community that just eat, drink and sleep cancer,” he said. “That’s all they do. And right now, the cancer center is thought of as this building over on Colonial, but it’s more than just a building — it’s an entire thought process.”
That thought process includes getting the word out that care is available, and the program now has a beacon on the top floor of a major hospital.
“We’re not just a provider for our own community. We want to be a site of destination,” Dr. Bloomston says. “There’s no reason that people from Sebring, Boca Raton, and other places would not think to travel to Fort Myers for their cancer care.”
The new floor houses a variety of specific services:
The Regional Cancer Center at Gulf Coast Medical Center provides:
·        New operating rooms for cancer surgery
·        Inpatient chemotherapy
·        Examination rooms
·        Onsite testing
·        ER doctors with special cancer training
·        Supportive care for toxicity and other complications from treatment
·        Intensive Care Units for cancer patients
·        Surgical robots for less invasive procedures
·        Access to the latest research and clinical trials
·        Nurse navigators who help guide patients through their journey
“Patient and provider flow is much improved. We’ve set up an environment so patients and families experience a multidisciplinary approach,” Dr. Bloomston says. “We can move from room to room, conduct conferences, tumor boards, use the space to have advanced discussion and take advantage of technology. These are logistics that you take advantage of in a hospital.”
An ICU for Cancer and Other Amenities Are Huge:
The last thing patients need is to be transported to another site in their time of need.
The new floor’s intensive care unit provides top-level care and peace-of-mind. Patients with complicated operations recover onsite, surrounded by clinicians with special cancer training.
And that goes for other services as well. Emergency room doctors spring into action and send patients to the top floor if cancer is suspected or could be part of their complications. Exam rooms on the floor speed up diagnosis and easily transition patients into treatment – possibly in the same day.
“Some of the unique things, for example — we’re going to have rooms where patients are getting radiation. They have to be isolated,” Dr. Bloomston says. “We have specialty rooms available to do that. Patients who need special gynecologic examinations, we’re going to have that capability built into the floor.
“They don’t even have to leave the floor or even their room to get a specific examination.”
There is an Emphasis on Compassion and Comfort
A cancer diagnosis is a scary, life-changing moment. Patients don’t need the stress of wondering what to do next. They don’t need to sit in traffic to find their next appointment during a high-stress time.
RCC’s nurse navigators will tell patients what they need to know and guide them along to the next step. They serve as expert guides who demonstrate how care works. They answer questions and make sure family is involved.
They can even help with transportation and financial questions so that patients can concentrate on getting better.
New conference rooms and bigger spaces ensure teams of providers regularly meet with patients and families to discuss individual cases. Every patient is different, so providers welcome feedback and empower patients to make decisions.
“The passion that oncology providers carry is very much family minded, meaning that our group of providers functions like a family and patients become part of that family,” Dr. Bloomston says. “They are treated like family. Decisions are made as if they are our own family members, and they are not just numbers in a trial or a patient on a schedule. Those providers think about them day and night.”
The Personal Touch Makes a Difference
In the past, the Regional Cancer Center may not have automatically sprung to mind when patients considered cancer care options. But Dr. Bloomston and other providers, clinicians, and support staff at the RCC are ready to change all of that.
“We’re going to have 108 inpatient cancer beds,” Dr. Bloomston says. “That’s a major cancer hospital. Even though we are contained within a hospital, we’re talking about a massive amount of capability.”
In fact, many RCC patients have gotten second opinions only to find that doctors at other cancer hospitals would do the exact same thing as a local provider.
“In that case,” Dr. Bloomston says, “it often comes down to who you like and trust more.”
And providers at the Regional Cancer Center know that sense of trust goes a long, long way.
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FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 10, 2020) – The Children’s Advocacy Center of SW Florida (CAC)…





FORT MYERS, Fla. (Sept. 10, 2020) – The Children’s Advocacy Center of SW Florida (CAC) is proud of its partnerships with local law enforcement agencies from Lee, Glades, Charlotte and Hendry counties. Our Child Protection Team works very closely with them, aiding in their investigation of child abuse cases.
We are also proud of our very popular Beesley’s Paws Prints Pet Therapy Program funded by Carol Beesley through the United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee Counties. Registered therapy dogs and their handlers provide comfort and support to children in counseling at CAC and at our Pine Manor After School and Summer Program.
What better way to highlight our partnerships than by teaming up some of our therapy dogs with the detectives we work with for our first CAC calendar.! The cost is just $10 (cash/check, no cc) if you pick it up at CAC (email [email protected]) or $15 to purchase on our website,
Thank you to everyone who helped make this calendar possible: Cape Coral P.D., Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, Fort Myers P.D., Glades County Sheriff’s Office, Hendry County Sheriff’s Office, Lee County Sheriff’s Office and our Beesley’s Paw Prints Pet Therapy volunteer teams. And a special thank you to our photographers who generously donated their time and talent–Geoff Coe ( and Garth Francis (
Since 1981, the Children’s Advocacy Center of Southwest Florida, Inc. (CAC), a United Way partner agency, has worked to improve the lives of children and their families through a coordinated response to child abuse and neglect, offering them a safe and friendly environment in which to heal. CAC provides abuse determination services as well as therapeutic counseling, parenting education and prevention programs in Lee, Hendry, Glades and Charlotte Counties. All services are provided free of charge. For more information, please call (239) 939-2808 or visit