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Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
(Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.) May 1, 2024 Suggested Post: Assistant
Statewide Prosecutor Robert Miller named #Prosecutor of the year by @MyFWC Division of Law
Enforcement: #Florida #FWC2024

FWC staff, Commissioners and family of Miller

Assistant Statewide Prosecutor Robert Miller named 2024 FWC Division of Law Enforcement
Prosecutor of the Year 

At the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) May Commission meeting, Assistant
Statewide Prosecutor Robert Miller of the Orlando Office of Statewide Prosecutor received the 2024 FWC
Division of Law Enforcement Prosecutor of the Year award. 

The selection of the Prosecutor of the Year Award is made by officers and investigators who work in the field
directly with prosecutors on case preparation, determining appropriate charges, issuing subpoenas, reviewing
arrest and search warrants, and obtaining justice for wildlife crimes. Miller was nominated for this award by
FWC officers in the Northeast Region for his unwavering commitment, knowledge and achievements in
defending Florida’s resources. 

Miller has shown a keen interest in the complexities of the FWC’s resource-related cases and has applied
his 20 years of prosecutorial experience to bring violators to justice. Some of the major FWC cases he has
prosecuted include the illegal take of wild turkey, illegal guide service, Operation Viper’s captive wildlife
violations, nine subjects who faced a range of charges in the illegal take of black bear and a state park
burglary ring. 

Miller assisted with a presentation on FWC cases at the Statewide Prosecutor’s Annual Conference. The
presentation was so well received, many prosecutors expressed interest in prosecuting more natural re-
source cases moving forward. His dedication to knowledge sharing has been invaluable in training FWC
investigators. Miller has also played an important consulting role for the FWC regarding 2023 legislative
action on the sale of venomous reptiles to unlicensed individuals. 

“Rob continues to seek out opportunities to learn more about the FWC and is always willing to assist,”
said Col. Brian Smith, Director of the FWC Division of Law Enforcement. “Conservation law
enforcement cases tend to be complex and require working together from the beginning stages of a case.
Rob is able to strategize potential issues with a case and look several moves ahead. We are fortunate to
have him working alongside our officers helping to conserve the natural resources of Florida. I am honor-
ed to present him with this year’s Prosecutor of the Year Award.” 

Miller was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1993 and the Ohio Bar in 1999. He is a member of various
Federal Bars including the United States Supreme Court. From 1993 to 1999, he served as a public
defender in Clearwater and then moved to private practice defending insurance claims. In 1999, he
became a prosecutor in Ohio representing the State with Organized Crime Cases, Homicide and
Death Penalty Cases. In 2021, he moved back to Florida and took a position at the Office of State-
wide Prosecution with a primary focus on natural resource cases. He has tried many criminal and
some civil cases including burglaries, robberies, thefts, fraud, murder, rape, death penalty and has
written several appeals. He enjoys resource related investigations and has shown a passion to
prosecute these cases.

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Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 ·
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